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这种观念已被僵化。This conception has been rigidified.

“毒”是中医学的一个特殊概念。"Du" is a special conception of TCM.

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这是一种世界是个有机体的概念It's an organic conception of the world.

喜欢这种感觉和意境。Like the feeling and artistic conception.

第一部分,基本概念的界定。Part1, definition of the basic conception.

他们的爱情观和我们的好像很不一样。I had no conception of the finished product.

我想这种观点是完全错误的。I think that conception is completely wrong.

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第二部分,人力资本的相关概念。Part2-the basic conception of human capital.

他们对圣经是什么有一个大致概念。They have a conception of what the Bible is.

本文提出软件产品全面质量管理的概念。The author forward the conception of the T. Q.

很有可能是怀孕的时间这个因素。The other factors may be timing of conception.

这个概念是无根据的。This conception turns out to be insupportable.

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她是一个天真活泼的女孩。The picture has a vivacious artistic conception.

当精子使卵子受精时便产生受孕。Conception occurs when a sperm fertilizes the egg.

绵延是柏格森生命哲学的核心概念。Duration is the central conception in bergson ism.

税收筹划在我国尚属新的概念。Tax plan is still a new conception in our country.

谁能告诉我什么是圣灵感孕说。Somebody tell me what the Immaculate Conception is.

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这有帮助提高怀孕的可能性。This further increases the likelihood of conception.

这是马云近来的最宏大构想。This is Ma Yun's latter the most baronial conception.

区域合作本来就是一个非计划经济的概念。Regional cooperation is a non-plan economy conception.