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我们把后院的浣熊解放了!We released the racoon from our backyard!

母狐貍就又咬又追,毫不留情。Bitch racoon dog is bitten again chase after again, ruthless.

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临近傍晚的时候,他忽然在一棵很高的山毛榉上发现了一只浣熊。Then , toward evening, he spotted a racoon high in a beech tree.

在莫斯科的一所公园中,一只浣熊躺在阴沟里躲避烈日。A racoon lies in a shady ditch to escape the hot sun at a zoo in Moscow.

哪是好电视展示实践?词汇量必须容易。Racoon , what's a better tv show to practice Chinese? The vocabulary must be very easy.

我们看到秃鹰,脘熊,雪豹,还有一直三条腿的熊。We were able to see American bald eagle, racoon , snow leopard, and a three-legged bear.

一个男孩带来一只几乎快死的浣熊,希望医生们能救活它。A boy brings a near-dead racoon to Seattle Grace in the hope they will be able to save it.

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我们到的那天它们正在阳台上,浣熊妈妈和她的四个幼崽。The day we arrived they were there on the veranda, the mother racoon with her four babies.

但是小河狸“白毛”从未见过自己的爸爸,因为爸爸在他还没出生的时候就被恶狼吃掉了。But brook racoon dog " Bai Mao " the father that never has seen oneself, when because father is in, he has not been born, was eaten off by evil wolf.

后来才知道,原来这个“纯净”是围绕“红狐狸”杯全国纯情文学大赛的“纯净”,这就好理解了。Just know later, so this " pure " be around " red fox racoon dog " simple kindness of cup whole nation of literary contest " pure " , this good understanding.

当他不忙着讨好熊、鲸、鸡、鹦鹉、蜥蜴和长颈鹿的时候,他就和“裤子”——一只他收养的浣熊孤儿待在一起。When he's not cosying up to bears, whales, chickens, parrots, lizards and giraffes he's hanging out with Pants, an orphaned racoon he's found himself raising.

为了给青少年正确的认知,进而营造一个健康成长所必需的良性的文化氛围,红狐狸极力推崇“纯净文学”。To give adolescent correct acknowledge, the benign culture atmosphere that builds growing institute of a health to need then, red fox racoon dog does his utmost praise highly " pure literature ".