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他把事情搞僵了。He's brought things to a deadlock.

谈判陷入僵局。The negotiations came to a deadlock.

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您认识到了死锁的可能性吗?Do you see the potential for deadlock?

这是战略思想上的一个僵局。Here was a deadlock in strategic thought.

该工具还执行死锁检测。The utility also performs deadlock detection.

而小泽似乎是唯一一个可以打破僵局的人。Ozawa is seen as the only one who can break that deadlock.

很多人说,地方政治的纷争导致了辛谷地区抗议。Many have blamed local politics for the deadlock in Singur.

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同时给出了无死锁无活锁的证明。Proof of deadlock freedom and livelock freedom is presented.

这个迷题死结依然存在,而为之着迷的人们还在努力的进行破解。And the longer the deadlock continues, the crazier people get.

和平谈判陷入僵局,无法做出任何决定。The peace talks reached a deadlock and nothing could be decided.

任何多线程应用程序都有死锁风险。With any multithreaded application, there is a risk of deadlock.

修正跳过过场动画时导致的黑屏问题。Fixed black screen deadlock when skipping doppelganger cinematic.

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如果死锁发生,唯一解决的方法是重启动硬件。If a deadlock occurs, the only solution is to reset the hardware.

进程遇到了死锁并正在重新尝试操作。The process encountered a deadlock and is retrying the operation.

你最好耐心一些,否则会把事情搞僵了。You’d better be patient, or you might bring things to a deadlock.

如果线程没有正确的释放互斥,死锁也会发生。Deadlock can also happen if threads do not unlock mutexes properly.

沉没渔船三艘,搁浅五艘,损坏一百四十三艘。Submerges fishing boat three, reaches a deadlock five, damages 143.

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基于非充分标识信标的死锁预防策略引入了迭代的思想。The second deadlock policy is based on insufficient marked siphons.

我们只能做些较小的让步,但这就可能打破僵局。We can only make minor concessions, but it might break the deadlock.

其次,由表及里地对公司僵局的形成原因进行分析。Second, it analyzes the causes of corporate deadlock from all aspects.