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我很紧张,因为是威廉开车。I was nervous having Willem drive.

威廉还没有到家,电话就响了。Before Willem got home, the phone rang.

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当她看到威廉姆·达利爵士的名字时,她的心脏稍稍加快。When she saw the name Ser Willem Darry, her heart beat a little faster.

我载威廉到五个街区外去赴他的约会,然后送杰克去幼儿园。I dropped Willem at his appointment five blocks away and went to pick up Jake at preschool.

该“普林斯威廉”是荷兰东印度公司最大的旗舰,也是它的骄傲。The "Prins Willem" was the largest flagship of Dutch East India Company and also its pride.

午夜时,威廉和杰克都睡下了,我下了床,在google上搜索“胶质母细胞瘤”。In the middle of the night, while Willem and Jake slept, I got up and Googled “glioblastoma.”

威廉缓慢的步行前往,很从容地,握着我的手,头上戴着水手蓝的束带。Willem was able to walk there slowly, but with elegance, holding my hand, wearing his navy blue Nike headband.

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荷兰夫妇威尔玛和威乐姆·斯图亚特多年都没有怀上孩子,决定做试管婴儿。Wilma and Willem Stuart were a Dutch couple who had been unsuccessfully trying to conceive for years and decided to try IVF.

威廉·德·库宁是美国抽象表现艺术的代表性艺术家,他大量的绘画形式都是极为抽象的。Willem de Kooning is a famous American artist for express abstract art, large amount of his paintings are extremely abstract.

花旗集团首席经济学家威廉·布伊特也提出了全球经济衰退是否即将或已经到来的问题。Another analyst asking whether we are headed for, or already in, a global recession is Willem Buiter, Chief Economist at Citigroup.

但现在看来,既然威廉是靠全麦面包和甜菜沙拉喂大的,那么可能垃圾食品倒是活得久的关键。But now I reasoned that if Willem grew up on the purest whole-wheat bread and beet salad, perhaps junk food was the key to a long life.

“我认为这种方法的未来是相当光明的,”荷兰瓦格宁根大学的医学昆虫专家威廉·坦肯说。"I think the future for this approach looks quite rosy, " says medical entomologist Willem Takken of Wageningen University in the Netherlands.

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正如花期公司的维勒姆?布提尔指出的那样,在未来两年内,欧元区较脆弱的成员国共需借款2万亿欧元左右。As Willem Buiter of Citigroup points out, the weaker members of the euro zone collectively need to borrow some EURO2 trillion over the next two years.

在为期一周的比赛过程中,研究生们向各种各样包括荷兰王储威廉·亚历山大的与会者介绍了他们的作品。The students presented their work throughout the week-long proceedings to a variety of conference attendees, including the Dutch Crown Prince, Willem Alexander.

威廉·布伊特与其说发表了下述言论,即,美国经济付不起其财政刺激费用,毋宁说是对美国国内有计划的财政刺激进行的另类批判。WILLEM BUITER has rather a different criticism of planned fiscal stimulus in America than those addressed below, namely, that the American economy can't afford it.

南非没有陪审团制度,这个案子唯一的仲裁者就是法官威廉·凡·德·莫威。媒体把他描述为一个“谦恭的英国化的南非白人”。There is no jury system in South Africa, and the sole arbiter in this case is Judge Willem Van Der Merwe, described by the press as a "courteous, anglicized Afrikaner".

威廉步行回来后,杰克也去幼儿园了,我们就开车去墓地看看。这是一个小山脚下充满田园风情的地方。威廉的头上围着一条爱迪达斯的束带,用以遮盖手术留下的疤痕。When Willem was back on his feet, with a Nike headband on his head covering his scar, and Jake was at preschool, we drove out of the city to the bucolic cemetery on a hillside.

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威廉约翰科尔夫于1911年2月14日出生于荷兰莱顿,1938年获莱顿大学医学博士学位,1946年获格罗宁根大学哲学博士学位。Willem Johan Kolff was born in Leyden, the Netherlands, on Feb. 14, 1911. He received his M. D. at Leyden University in 1938 and a Ph. D. at the University of Groningen in 1946.

50年前,尼尔•阿姆斯特朗、迈克尔•柯林斯和爱德文•“巴茨”•奥尔德林在完成登月使命后进行了一次全球之旅,并在访问荷兰时将这块石头赠送给了荷兰前首相威廉•德雷斯。The rock was given to Willem Drees, a former Dutch leader, during a global tour by Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin following their moon mission 50 years ago.

首先,对德·库宁的绘画精神与观念进行深入分析,剖析其艺术创作如何通过媒介载体而构建。First of all. it is necessary to deep analyse Willem de Kooning's drawing spirit and it's concept for knowing that how to build and structure the meaning of his creations by medium or carrier.