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加蕃茄酱或美乃滋?With ketchup or mayonnaise?

把蛋黄和蛋黄酱捣成糊。Mash yolks and mayonnaise until creamy.

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就像我妻子制作蛋黄酱的那天。It's much like the day my wife made mayonnaise.

沙律酱与淡奶拌匀。Mix mayonnaise with evaporated milk until smooth.

加蕃茄酱或美乃滋?请加蕃茄酱。With ketch bp or mayonnaise?With ketchup, please.

避免新的蛋黄酱,因为它可能含有生鸡蛋。Avoid fresh mayonnaise as it could contain raw egg.

火腿,生菜,西红柿,美乃汁,白吐司。Ham, lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise on white bread.

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人们经常担心沙拉油会变坏。People are always worried that mayonnaise will spoil.

火鸡,生菜,西红柿,美乃汁,白吐司。Turkey, lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise on white bread.

火腿,生菜,西红柿,美乃汁,白吐司。Salami , lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise on white bread.

煮土豆配蛋黄酱和培根碎。Boiled potato mixed with mayonnaise and chopped bacon bits.

主厨师为沙拉准备了独特的美乃滋佐料。The chef had prepared his special mayonnaise sauce for the salad.

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美乃滋和蕃茄是世界上最邪恶的产物。Mayonnaise and tomato are the most horrible evil food in the world.

无限供应的迷你牛扒三明治,涂上了芥末蛋黄酱。Free flow of Filet Mignon Sandwiches! Served with mustard mayonnaise.

土豆沙拉,培根,小葱,蛋黄芥末酱。Potato salad, chives, chopped bacon, green onions, mustard mayonnaise.

例如,要求一个烤鸡肉串没有家蛋黄酱。For example, ask for a grilled chicken sandwich without the mayonnaise.

当然,这可能是因为没有当时的蛋黄酱。Of course, this was probably because there was no mayonnaise back then.

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当你做凉拌卷心菜或者土豆沙拉,用低或者无脂的蛋黄酱。When you make coleslaw or potato salad, use light or non-fat mayonnaise.

马铃薯沙拉,培根,小葱,蛋黄芥末酱。Potato salad, chelloves, chopped bacon, green onions, mustard mayonnaise.

克思罗沙拉是用切碎的圆白菜和蛋黄酱做成的。Coleslaw is a kind of salad made of finely chopped cabbage and mayonnaise.