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你应该给狗戴上口套。You should muzzle your dog.

口吻不能太尖或太窄。The muzzle must not be narrow or pointed.

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士兵把枪口放低。The soldier depressed the muzzle of a gun.

在离炮口很远的一端点火。It ignites at the end furthest from the muzzle.

政府试图钳制言论自由。The government tried to muzzle freedom of speech.

头骨的上线和口必须是平行的。Toplines of cranium and the muzzle must be parallel.

套套可以用来套着步枪的枪口。A condom can be used to cover the muzzle of your rifle.

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鼻镜通常覆盖着粘液和渗出物。Commonly the muzzle is encrusted with mucus and exudate.

鼻镜通常覆盖着粘液和渗出物。Commonly the muzzle is encrusted with mucus and exudate.

岁月侵蚀了它的脸庞,口鼻周围都是灰色。Years had etched his face and muzzle with shades of gray.

黄烟雾在窗棂上摩擦着嘴巴。The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes.

黄色的雾在窗玻璃上擦着它的背。The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes.

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你能真正目睹由炮口衍展开来的空气冲击波。You could actually see the shockwave zip out of the muzzle.

这么大一张嘴居然咬不开一个小核桃!A big muzzle like that and you can't even crack a little nut!

前脸从眼睛向口吻方向呈锥形,止部清晰。The foreface tapers from eye to muzzle with a perceptible stop.

火炮的后效期现象是一种比较复杂的非定常气体动力学现象。Gas ejection from gun muzzle is a more complex unsteady process.

钳状咬和或下颚突出式咬和,形成正方形口吻。The bite is even or sufficiently undershot to square the muzzle.

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口吻部的毛发的颜色比头髻的颜色深。The hair on the muzzle is a little darker shade than the topknot.

平滑、且丰满的口吻末端,形状比较钝,但不能呈直角形。The end of the smooth, well-rounded muzzle is blunt but not square.

狒狒头部硕大,有颊囊,鼻口部狭长似狗。Baboons have a large head, cheek pouches, and a long, doglike muzzle.