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很明确地规定了禁止通婚联姻。The ban on intermarriage here is quite specific.

种族之间通婚趋势是一个复杂的问题。Looking at trends in intermarriage is a complex matter.

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所以,族外通婚能够被他们广泛接受。Thus, intermarriage is widely accepted among the Americans.

民族通婚习俗和民族语言是苗歌保持民族特色的直接原因。The intermarriage custom and folk language is the direct reason.

跨族婚姻是好事。改善人与人的关系。使越南更中国化。Intermarriage is good. Improve people to people relations. Sinicize Viets.

异族通婚在第二、三代的亚裔美国人中更为常见。Intermarriage is more common among second-and third-generation asian-americans.

通婚是考察社会关系整合程度的重要变量。Intermarriage is a critical variable to observe the integration of social relations.

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联姻措施是亚历山大在远征过程中实施的重要统治措施。Intermarriage measure was an important ruling measure which Alexander adopted in the expedition.

外国出生的亚洲人和西班牙人的通婚率比在美国土生土长的白人和黑人的要高。Foreign-born Asians and Hispanics have higher rates of intermarriage than do U. S. -born whites and blacks.

国外出生的亚裔和拉美裔种族内结婚的比率高于美国出生的白人和黑人。Foreign-born Asians and Hispanics "have higher rates of intermarriage than do U. S. -born whites and blacks."

阿拉善蒙古是清朝皇帝实行政治联姻的重点部落,有清一代,该部与清皇家的婚姻始终不断。The Alashan Mongol was a major tribe with which the royal family of the Qing Dynasty had political intermarriage.

在尼希米记中,我们知道他看到、知道并且发现了通婚的问题,然后他采取了一些行动。In Nehemiah, we read that he saw, knew, and discovered this intermarriage problem and he did something about this.

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尽管两种人类比邻数千年之久,但有研究证明他们之间没有或几乎没有通婚。In spite of this, the research proves there was no or hardly any intermarriage between H. sapiens and H. neanderthalensis.

他说不可能对丹麦心怀仇恨,因为两国间有这么多异族婚姻和联系。He said it was impossible to feel rancor toward Denmark, given all of the intermarriage and connections between the countries.

古典作家留下的联姻信息,是理解和阐释亚历山大联姻措施的主要依据。We understand and set forth Alexander's intermarriage measure according mainly to the information which the classical authors left.

金汇镇的通婚范围和血缘自然扩散状况可以代表上海及南方多数地区。The intermarriage scope and consanguinity natural diffuseness can stand for the situations in shanghai and in large parts of south China.

而如果魔法具有显性特征,则在经过许多代通婚之后,麻瓜遗传确实有可能在社会中造就更多的哑炮。However, if magic is a dominant trait, Muggle heritage may indeed result in more Squibs in the community after some generations of intermarriage.

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但不管就整个区域而言,还是分民族来看,仍存在不同程度的族内通婚偏好。However, both in view of the overall zones and nations in Zhenning County, the preference of ethnic intermarriage was always exist in some degree.

胡汉通婚成为影响当时政治格局、社会结构、历史进程和文化互动的重要因素。The intermarriage was an important factor that influenced the political and social structure, historic process and cultural interaction at that time.

然而,犹太人通常实行包办的族内婚姻,他们的性观念比较保守,且无法接受与族外通婚。However, the Jews usually practice arranged marriage within their race, hold conservative sexual morality, and intermarriage is unacceptable for them.