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理货员不在现场。Tallyman no in the spot.

劳驾,你是理货员吗?Excuse me, are you a tallyman?

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理货组长,还有理货员在关一小贴吧船上吗?Chief tally, is there any tallyman on board?

我们通常每条路安排一个理货员。We usually arrange one tallyman for each gang.

理货组长,还有理货员在船上吗?Chief tallyman, is there any tallyman on board?

理货组长,为什么停了那路作业?Chief tallyman , why did you stop that gang working?

据史密斯先生称,王先生是个有能力的理货员。According to Mr. Smith, Mr. Wang is a competent tallyman.

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很明显有一勾被你们的理货员漏掉了。It's obvious that one sling was missed out by your tallyman.

这正是问题所在。很明显有一勾被你们的理货员漏掉了。That's just the point. It's obvious that one sling was missed out by your tallyman.

理货组长,残损箱太多了,如果我签的话我会有麻烦的。Chief tallyman , the damage containers are so many, if I sign, I'll get into trouble.

理货组长,你能向我提供冷箱的温度清单吗?Chief tallyman , can you provide me with the list of refrigerated containers' temperature?

理货组长,什么时候开航?大副要求在开航前一小时发动引擎。Chief tallyman , what's the pilot time? The chief requires to start the engine one hour earlier.

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理货组长,也请签一下这个文件,这是关于没有事故和已经卸的箱子状况良好的。Chief tallyman , please sign the file too, which shows no accident and all discharged containers in order.

理货组长,装船请从后面向前面装,你们必须装完舱里再装甲板的,好吗?Chief tallyman , please start loading from back to front and you must finish loading in hold first, then on deck, ok?

理货组长,船向海侧偏的太多了,报警器已经响了很长时间,现在你们必须停止装船。Chief tallyman , the ship is listing to seaside so much, and the alarm has been sounding for long time, you must stop loading now.

理货组长,我们的值班水手发现05-07-06位置有个箱子底部被你们的吊具搞破了,这是我们的残损报告。Chief tallyman , our duty AB found a container at 05-07-06, the floor base of which was broken by your crane, this is our damage report.

除非合同另有特别书面规定,理货员的一切服务按本条款执行。Unless otherwise specified agreed in writing, Our tallyman on-spot inspector will do the survey as per this general terms and condition.

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大副,请放心。我们每一位理货员都会仔细核对卸箱情况,我也会将实际情况及时告知您。Chief, don't worry. Every tallyman will check the discharged container carefully, and I will keep informing you of what is happening during discharging.

货物不经货主、海关人员、仓库员和理货员这四方面检查是不准装船的。The cargo is not allowed to ship on board without passing four parties, namely, the shipper, the customs officer, the warehouse keeper and the tallyman.

如您还有其它工作要求请及时通知我,如我不在理货间,请告知舱口理货员通知我。Please keep me informed if you have some other requirements. In case I am not in the tally office , you can contact the tallyman to get in touch with me.