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两个UI搜索器都能共用它。Both UI searches can share it.

剽窃用户界面在中国允许吗?Is plagiarizing UI admitted in China?

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所以他们认为自己干不了UI设计。So they think they can't do UI design.

它在与操作系统按照用户界面风格。It's in accordance with OS in UI styles.

要求客户进行启发式的界面复审。Ask customers to do heuristic UI reviews.

在程序界面上填加控件You add a control to your application UI.

固定失踪的UI资讯坦普勒骑兵。Fixed missing UI info for Templar Cavalry.

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在数字博弈中Ui代表这两件事In the numbers game "Ui" can be two things.

原版闪点行动中的用户界面并不非常有用。The original OFP had a really unhelpful UI.

芒果版奇艺影视本程序的UI和内容为中文。The application UI and content is in Chinese.

UI改进,尤其是在S60第三版手机。UI Improvements, especially on S60 v3 phones.

通过RIC,SASI或用户界面职员,系统进行条目设置。The system sets issues by RIC, SASI, or UI staff.

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以其酷炫的用户界面和方便的操作也会让这看起来还算不错。It looks neat, with the UI cool and breezy to use.

在用户界面中,如何显示扩展,显示在何处?How and where will the extension be shown in the UI?

第二种用户界面结构组件是区域。The second kind of UI structural component is the zone.

它是通过插件来提供的。It is provided by the plug-in.

将从可执行代码中分离出来的UI模块打包。A1-1 Package UI modules separately from the executable code.

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比如,布莱登•科维茨是用户界面设计专家,戴维•克莱恩是公关专家。People like Braden Kowitz in UI design or David Krane in PR.

目前,用户接口界面只在进行游戏动画的时候关闭。Currently, the UI will only toggle off during game cinematics.

因此,主线程有时也被叫做UI线程。As such, the main thread is also sometimes called the UI thread.