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气候学方法是另一种制作天气预报的简单方法。The climatology method is another simple way of producing a forecast.

与此同时,全国平均年降水量较常年略偏少。Meanwhile, the annual precipitation of China is slightly less than the climatology.

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正是这种局地经圈环流导致了该两处干旱气候的形成。Such local meridional circulation leads to the dry climatology over the two deserts.

蒸发力是气候学上的一个重要特征量。The potential evapotranspiration is an important characteristic value in climatology.

他目前是南昆士兰大学气候学科主任。He is currently head of the climatology unit at the University of Southern Queensland.

在气候学和气候与天气预报的研究之间也存在差距。Research gaps exist in studies on climatology and climate and weather forecasting, " he says.

所以这块区域的气候模型是建立在夏季的数据之上,因而是不可靠的。As a result, climatology models for the region have been based on summer data and are unreliable.

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热红外遥感和气候学的交叉融合为城市热岛效应提供了新的研究方法。Integrating thermal remote sensing and climatology provides a new method for observation and mechanism analysis of urban heat island.

之前,对巴芬湾的气温的估计基于从两边海岸的小居住点收集到的气候学数据。Previously, winter temperature estimates in Baffin Bay were based on climatology data gathered from small settlements on both coasts.

气候地貌学广泛运用气候学和数理统计学方法,以及相应的物理、化学的方法。Climate geomorphology extensive use of climatology and mathematical statistical methods, and the corresponding physical and chemical methods.

上述结果表明,该反演算法不仅适用于实时反演,亦能用于气候尺度研究。Generally, the above results suggest that this SST algorithm can be well applied to the realtime retrievals, as well as the climatology investigations.

最后利用高分辨率的区域气候模式和海-气耦合模式就南海夏季风爆发的可预报性问题进行了敏感性数值模拟与预报试验研究。On the basis of climatology analysis, the SCS monsoon onset and its evolution in 1998 were analyzed by fully utilizing the wealthy of observation data.

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通过对结果的分析,发现用此方法得到的诊断风场比地转风场更接近实际,特别是急流区。The calculated results show that the calculated diagnostic wind fields are more similar to climatology than the geostrophic wind fields, especially, in the jet stream area.

截至昨天,京城已连续4天日平均气温低于10℃,离气候学的入冬标准只差临门一脚。Up to yesterday, the capital is successive already 4 light are average air temperature under 10 ℃ , leave the standard entering a winter of climatology only poor to face an one foot.

理论上说,原告必须要证明,正是由于环保局的迟疑不决,才导致了他们一些具体的损失,这些损失通过采取监控可能挽回——在同气候学一样充满了不确定性的这个领域里,这是一个很苛刻的要求。In theory, they must prove that the EPA's foot-dragging has caused them some specific harm that regulation might remedy—a tall order in a field as fraught with uncertainty as climatology.

雷暴的历史演变有着较好的9~12年振荡周期,而且近46年来雷暴的发生有逐渐减小的趋势变化,另外雷暴有明显的季节和日变化特征。There are conspicuous seasonal and daily variations the thunderstorm. The variation period thunderstorm climatology has a 9—12 years, and the frequency is gradually decreased in the last 46 years.

在这里生长着一万七千余株古树名木,不仅见证了“三孔”的发展历史,同时也是研究古代物候学、气候学和生态学的宝贵素材。Here the growth of a strain of old trees more than 17000, not only witnessed the "three holes" in history, but also the study of ancient phenology, climatology and ecology of the valuable material.

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印尼对自然灾害并不陌生。根据印度尼西亚的气象,气候和地质结构,平均每天就有Indonesia is no stranger to natural disasters. According to The Indonesian Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics agency, an average of six earthquakes a day, of varying degrees, occur in Indonesia.