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那些旧的称呼已经没有了。The old days appellation no longer existed.

少数菲克辛酿造的红酒也适合这个等级。A few wines from Fixin are also in the appellation.

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第二章对背称语进行重新分类。The appellation terms are reclassified in chapter two.

菲基亚庄园红酒可能是圣达美利安区最好的红葡萄酒。This wine could be the greatest wine of the appellation.

亲属称谓是亲属制度在语言中的反应。Kinsfolk appellation is the kinfolks system reflection in language.

亲属称谓词是亲属制度在语言中的反映。Kinsfolk appellation is the kinsfolk system reflection in language.

俄皇彼得一世被加上了“大帝”的称号。The emperor of Russia Peter I was given the appellation "the Great".

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称谓名词前的“大”和“小”分别几种使用情况。Big" and "little before appellation nouns have several kinds of uses.

格拉夫特级,这个级别的命名就是严格指甜白葡萄酒。The appellation of "Graves supérieurs" is strictly reserved to sweet white wines.

沃尔内的白葡萄酒以墨索酒庄等级贩卖。The white wines made in the Volnay area are sold under the Meursault appellation.

他为了能与凯撒齐名,就用自己的这个尊号命名了八月。In order to par with the Caesar he, to use their own appellation named this August.

这里就是法国最小的蜜思嘉葡萄法定产区。Muscat Saint Jean de Minervois is the smallest of France's Muscat appellation areas.

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原产地名称是以地理标志为依托而设定的一项识别性权利。The appellation of origin is an identification right which is based on the geography.

汉语称谓以亲属称谓为基点。Chinese language appellation system takes the relatives appellation terms as the base.

亲属称谓是词汇系统中颇具特色的主题集合之一。The appellation of the relatives is one of the subject gathers in the glossary system.

男性和女性社会称谓语的不对应会导致称谓语的缺位。The appellation of man and woman is not correspondent, which can lead to missing terms.

本文主要对两种不同语言亲属称谓进行了对比。This text is mainly to compare the appellation of relatives in two different languages.

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不断完善并增加质量是圣仙浪葡萄酒园一直遵循的宗旨。With the quality still improving, Saint Chinian is definitely an appellation to follow.

十二木卡姆,是维吾尔族优秀的古典音乐,即大型音乐套曲的称谓。Mukamu, the appellation of large divertimento , is the splendid classical music of Uygur.

在中国这个所谓的礼仪这邦,称呼这东西的确是又有趣又烦琐。Appellation is interesting and trivial in China which is a so-called 'kingdom of amenity'.