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少女时代是多美好的时光啊!Girlhood is such a wonderful time!

她少女时期是在乡下度过。She spent her girlhood in the country.

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粉色的足球是用于庆祝少女时代的吗?Does a pink soccer ball celebrate girlhood?

不曾让我的童年虚掷他那美好的盛宴。Nor starved my girlhood of its goodly feast.

我们纯洁的少女时期是一道在那里度过的。Our white girlhood was passed together there.

她看起来简直完全是一个女孩子。She looked apparently scarcely past girlhood.

少有的知己也是自少女时期交往的旧友。A rare friend is from girlhood friend exchanges.

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在我三十四岁的时候,我已经实现了我少女时代大部分的梦想。By age 34, I was living most of my girlhood dreams.

现实生活与她少女时代的梦想存在很大的差异。However, the reality is different from her girlhood dream.

只有当我是的时候由于他们做我回去我的少女身份。Only when I am with them do I feel going back to my girlhood.

当我少女时代情窦初开时,你的芬芳就缭绕在我的心房。When in girlhood my heart was opening its pedals, you hovered as fragrance about it.

当我在少女时代时,我的心如花瓣了般盛开,你就像一股花香在四周缭绕。When in girlhood my heart was opening its petals, you hovered as a fragrance about it.

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当我做女孩子的时候,我的心的花瓣儿张开,你就像一股花香似地散发出来。When in girlhood my heart was opening its petals, you hovered as a fragrance about it.

每年四月到十月是旅游旺季,那是我少女时代梦想的爱情目的地。From April to October is the best season for tourists. Greece was my dream place when I was in girlhood.

她们所要做的就是把她们的生活从小女孩变成寻找一个好丈夫和哺育她的孩子。All they had to do was devote their lives from earliest girlhood to finding a husband and bearing children.

我的孩子将来也只能听到他们的姑姑少女时代的故事,那些真实发生的故事,以及想象中的未来。My children will only hear stories of the girlhood of their aunt, both stories of reality and an imagined future.

一本发黄的书,一杯黑咖啡,一句让人心跳的诗,带回了那羞涩的少女时代,那时,什么都不懂,生活里只有浅绿色的梦。One old book, one black coffee and one exciting poem bring us to the shy girlhood. At that time, we know nothing but the jade-green dream.

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最后,分别从作家和作品两方面做出对当代少女文学生命美学品格的拓展的思考。Eventually, makes a deeply thinking about developing of the life Aesthetics moral character of the contemporary literature concerning girlhood.

因此,在她的少女时代和母亲时代,她都知道大多数人们活动多少跟明确的虔诚的体验有联系。Hence, during both her girlhood and motherhood , she knew many of the people who were active in some way in connection with this definite religious experience.