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即一个亚属级分类单元的学名。A scientific name of a taxon at the rank of subgenus.

报道中国澳彩带蜂亚属4种,并给出了物种检索表。This paper reports 4 species of the subgenus Austronomia from China.

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一个命名属或亚属的真名模式,亦即其命名种。The nominal species that is the name-bearing type of a nominal genus or subgenus.

粗叶榕是榕属灌木或小乔木,雌雄异株。Ficus hirta is dioecious, belongs to a kind of shrub or small tree in Subgenus Ficus.

应用扫描电子显微镜,观察了15种苔草属复序苔草亚属植物果皮的微形态特征。The achene epidermis of 15 species of Carex subgenus Indocarex was observed with SEM.

玉兰亚属种间基于AFLP分析的聚类结果与形态学对种的划分基本吻合。The cluster result based on AFLP was generally in harmony with the morphologic taxa in Subgenus Yulania.

然而,现有的柑橘分类系统在亚属划分和种的数目等问题上分歧依然很大。However, the current views about the subgenus subdivision and the number of species in Citrus are still divergent.

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买麻藤属植物孢粉学特征与地理分布及属下分类系统有一定的关系。The characteristics of pollen grain are related with the distribution of Gnetum and classified system of subgenus.

其中斑齿隐翅虫亚属的物种比较稀少,目前全世界仅记录3种。In this genus, the subgenus Stigmatochirus Bernhauer, 1903, is a species-rare group with only 3 species worldwide up to now.

杜鹃属常绿杜鹃亚属多分布于中国西南高海拔地区,播种育苗为其有效的引种手段。Because most of the species of Rhododendron Subgenus Hymenanthes locate at high altitude in southwest of China, it is very difficult for us to collect and plant them.

樱桃或樱又名楔荆桃、车厘子等,是某些李属的植物的统称,包括樱桃亚属、酸樱桃亚属、桂樱亚属等。Cherry or sakura and wedge JingTao cherries etc. are some of the plants of the genus lee collectively including cherry subgenus sour cherry subgenus GuiYing subgenus etc.

在库蚊属4个亚属中,路蚊亚属与库蚊亚属有更近的亲缘关系,这也印证了库蚊亚属某些幼虫与路蚊亚属幼虫具有相似习性的遗传基础。It is also certified the larval stages of the two subgenera mosquitoes bear genetic similarity. The subgenus Melanoconion, Neoculex and Lutzia are closely related with Aedes.

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分布式样揭示出这个亚属是一个集中分布在横断山和喜马拉雅,适应于高寒山地的特化类群。The distribution pattern of the subgenus illustrates that it is a peculiar group to adapt the cold alpine environment and distribute mainly in Hengduan Mountains and Himalayas.

灰毛含笑是金叶含笑的变种,根据解剖结构特征的异同,既证实了这两组植物之间有较近的亲缘关系,又可将其进行区分。Anisochlamys. From the analysis on the morphology and anatomy characteristics of the Michelia L. , the division of subgenus and group of Michelia L. was thought to be reasonable.

结果记述了中国库蠓属三囊亚属的鉴别特征,其在国内的分布现已知有33种,报道了主要鉴别特征的测量值,编制了雌虫和雄虫的分种检索表。Distribution of known 33 species of the subgenus Trithecoides was described in China, Mean values of certain numerical characters were recorded. Keys to females and males of this subgenus were given.