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Yukimi长野唱丰富,自我最重要的男子。Yukimi Nagano sings about a rich, self-important man.

长野县周边地区也相继发生3、4级地震。Nagano and the surrounding areas have occurred 3,4 earthquake.

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永野修身也可以被打败,只不过一场血战不可避免。Osami Nagano can be beaten, but not without one hell of a scrap.

1984年9月14日日本长野县西部地震产生了大规模的泥石流。The earthquake of 14 Sep. 1984 in west Nagano caused massive soil rock flow.

当我在日本长野县地狱谷的附近旅行时,摄取了这张照片。I took this picture when I traveled around the Jigoku Valley in Nagano prefecture, Japan.

永野修身元帅非常了解5-5-3率。他主张日本不要遵守这个条约。Admiral Osami Nagano knew the 5-5-3 ratio well. He was instrumental in Japan's defying it.

不过,不管在美国海军还是英国海军,永野的名声都是一流的。But in both the U.S. and British Navies, Nagano has the reputation of being with the best.

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各界人士聚集长野欢迎火炬,对此我感到高兴。I am glad to see people from all walks of life gather in Nagano to welcome the torch there.

1998年日本长野冬季奥运会上,她在三个短道速滑项目中都夺得银牌。At the 1998 Nagano Games, Yang earned a silver medal in each of the three short track events.

相信在中日双方的共同努力下,在长野的传递一定会顺利安全进行。It is believed that through the joint efforts, the relay in Nagano will proceed smoothly and securely.

日本猕猴,也叫雪猴,在日本长野县浸泡天然温泉以抵御冬天的寒冷。Japanese macaques, also known as snow monkeys, stay warm in the winter by bathing in the natural hot springs at Nagano.

长野市中心传出有民宅略为崩塌的现象,但所幸损毁情形并不严重。Nagano city there came a slight collapse of the phenomenon of homes, but fortunately the situation is not serious damage.

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在举行长野冬奥会的前夕,胡安·安东尼奥·萨马兰奇曾夸耀奥林匹克的成功与健康。On the eve of Nagano Winter Olympics, Juan Antonio Samaranch bragged about the success and health of the Olympic movement.

永野元帅还代表日本出席了1935年到1936年的伦敦会议,这一次他终于向5-5-3开火了。Admiral Nagano also represented Japan at the London Conference, 1935-36, and it was there that he finally blasted the 5-5-3.

在长野县,常可见到这些猴子嬉戏打闹、梳理毛发,有时还泡泡汤,真是惬意的猴生啊。Throughout the day these monkeys can be seen playing, grooming, and relaxing in the steaming waters in Nagano Prefecture, Japan.

搞清楚海军元帅永野修身在计划什么远比通常意义上的猜测一个敌人的动向要难。The difficulty of knowing what Admiral Osami Nagano has planned is far more than the usual difficulty of guessing an enemy's moves.

永野回国之后,日本完成了它当代的军事扩张,不再受条约的限制,只受限于日本在工业上的竞争能力。Nagano went home, Japan completed its present fleet—on a ratio limited not by treaty but by Japan's ability to compete industrially.

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臼井仪人,51岁,周六人们在群马县和长野县交界处的Arafune山的Tomaiwa悬崖下,找到了他的尸体。Usui, 51, was found dead Saturday at the base of the Tomoiwa cliff on Mount Arafune on the border between Gunma and Nagano prefectures.

例如,1944年日本东南海地震发生时,长野县诹访湖周围局部地区的地震烈度就非常大。For example, the 1944 Tonankai earthquake in Japan, Lake Suwa, Nagano Prefecture earthquake intensity around the local area is very large.

当时,他们正在,为长野奥运会做准备,因此,我们也讨论了,有关奥运会的话题。At the time, they were getting ready for the Olympics in Nagano so we were able to also tie in some information about the Olympics as well.