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在方法的选取上,本文主要采用Copula模型。In the method of selection, the paper used mainly Copula model.

话题的公式是所谓的高斯相关函数。The formula in question is the so-called Gaussian copula function.

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于是,Copula理论开始被引入金融领域。Recently, Copula theory has been introduced to the financial field.

网形图是指导冲天炉熔炼操作的重要工具。Copula net diagram is an important tool for guiding the cupola operation.

Copula已经很广泛地应用到了经济领域和随机过程方面。Copula as so far has been applied to fields as finance and stochastic process.

论文主要研究了Copula理论在投资组合风险价值上的应用。Copula paper studied the theory of value at risk in the portfolio of applications.

联系词“是”是从概念的本性里产生的,因为概念具有在其外在化里和自身同一的本性。The copula 'is' springs from the nature of the notion, to be self-identical even in parting with its own.

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Copula理论的出现为解决相关分析和多变量时间序烈分析提供了一个新工具。The emergence of Copula provides a new tool to the related analysis and multivariable time series analysis.

第二部分为文献综述部分,侧重Copula理论在金融领域的研究成果综述。Chapter 2 is literature review, with a focus on the research results of Copula theory in the financial field.

本文主要对基于Copula函数的有违约相关性的信用联结票据的定价进行了研究。This paper mainly studies the pricing of credit-linked note with defaultcorrelation based on copula function.

第五章是模型的应用,计算了一个相对简单的连生保险产品的趸交净保费,并在不同的模型之间作了比较。The 5th chapter applys the new Copula model to a last survivor annuity and calculates out the net single premium.

但对主词谓词关系的这种看法,却与联系词“是”矛盾。Such a conception of the relation between subject and predicate however is at once contradicted by the copula 'is'.

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其中,城乡接合部、农村、学校周边的黑网吧将是打击重点。Among them, the black Internet bar of periphery of urban and rural copula , country, school will be blow focal point.

近年来,Copula技术的出现,为解决上述问题,提供了很好的思路和方法,把金融风险的分析推向了一个新的阶段。In recent years, Copula technology to solve these problems, provided a good idea and methods of analysis of the financial risks to a new stage.

判断的模态对判断的内容毫无贡献,而是仅仅涉及系词一般来说与思维相关时的值。Modality of judgments contributes nothing to the concept of judgments but only concerns the value of the copula in relation to thought in general.

黑人英语中一个显著的特征是系词be的不同形式经常出现空位的情况,而这些be形式在标准英语中却是必须要求存在的。One prominent syntactic feature is the frequent absence of various forms of the copula "be" in Black English, which are required of Standard English.

将Copula函数和马柯维茨模型最优化投资组合理论结合,给出了基于Copula函数的最优投资组合算法。And than combines Copula function and Markowitz model portfolio optimization theory, educe processes and procedures which determine the optimal portfolio.

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Copula函数描述了随机变量相关结构,是构造相依多元随机变量联合分布的有力工具。Copula function describes the correlation structure of random variables is the structure dependent joint distribution of multiple random variables a powerful tool.

阳台封闭的部分边上接合部,要做好防水防渗处理,这包括了封闭体的四边。Copula goes up by the side of the part that the balcony closes, want to had done the waterproof processing that prevent ooze, this included to close of body quadrilateral.

最后,本文研究了基于Copula函数的RMK模型的应用问题,包括风险调整的绩效评估和再保险应用。Finally, this dissertation discusses the application of the RMK model based on the Copula function, including risk-adjusted performance evaluation and re-insurance application.