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其三是角线。It is horny line thirdly.

第三,他应当承受德性教育。Thirdly he should receive morwouls educ.

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第三点,短跑强调摆臂动作。Thirdly sprinting emphasizes arm action.

第三,他应该接受道德教育。Thirdly he should receive moral education.

第三是森林-草原交错带的位置判定。Thirdly is judge the location of forest-steppe.

第三则是训练阿富汗国内安全力量。And thirdly train enough domestic security forces.

再其次是提出了改善利益分配的对策。Thirdly , to improve the distribution of benefits.

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提出了纳米孔隙随机激光器的设想。Thirdly the nanoporous random laser is brought forward.

最后为姜堤乐园及梦幻乐园,分值均为0.56。Jiangdi Park and Dream Park both get 0. 56 and graded thirdly.

三是引导中学生进行高尚道德人格的自我修养。Thirdly it is to lead the students to magnificent self-culture.

第四,使用价值是表达价值规律内容的基本范畴。Thirdly use value is the basic category of content of value Law.

本文认为,学生的道德需要是要激发的。Thirdly , it makes an initial exploration of how to motivate the moral need.

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第三是对民事判决执行力扩张的研究意义进行了阐述。Thirdly elaborate the research significance of the civil judgment executive power.

再次,阐述了教育合同、产学研合作教育法律关系等问题。Thirdly education contract and the relation of Cooperative Education law are discussed.

伊格尔顿的悲剧观还表现在他对悲剧效果的阐述上。Eagleton's view of tragedy thirdly illustrates in his description of the tragic emotion.

第三方面,结合湿热的一些具体病证,反映了湿热病目前的临床情况。Thirdly , reflect some situations of syndrome of damp-heat based on specific disease at present.

对畜群结构进行适当调整、发展草食性动物。Thirdly. to adjust livestock and herd structure appropriately and to develop herbivorous animals.

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第三,俗话说的好,“毅力是成功失败十九次,二十多岁。Thirdly , as the saying goes , "Perseverance is falling nineteen times and succeeding the twenties ."

三是必须使老年人做到“老有所乐”,提高他们的生活质量,促使他们健康长寿,生活幸福。Thirdly we must make old people happy, improve their life quality for their good health and happy life.

第三是要在小球会里证明自己,这一点没人比在波尔多的穆里尼奥做得更好。Thirdly is proving yourself with a small team, and no one did that better than Jose Mourinho with Porto.