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现在我已经不信任你了。Ya no tengo confianza en ti.

易倜汉觉得不要怕。Yi Ti han think dont be afraid.

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我必须挤时间学习英语!I have ti steal time to learn english!

两队不分胜负,所以持续了很长一段时间。It was tight. so ti lasted a long time.

然后他在九点零四出发上学。Then he goes to school from nine ti four.

小骨瓣复位后用一枚钛钉固定。The small bone flap was fixed with Ti clamp.

没想到易倜汉还拿出枪。I didn t think Yi Ti han also took out a gun.

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妮在楼上看到易倜汉打自己的弟弟。She is upstairs see Yi Ti han hit his brother.

首先我认为我的生活将更加简单。Frist tI believe that my life will be more simple.

宫体诗人以审美的眼光进行文学创作。Gong Ti poem creat literary by aesthetic attitude.

加钛后,钢的组织细化。The grains were fine after adding Ti in the steel.

透明国际是一个反腐败研究机构。TI is an international anti-corruption research group.

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音乐由提香铁视频表演我爱你。Music video by Tiziano Ferro performing Ti Voglio Bene.

我没有时间想知道那里的防守回来了。I had no ti me to wonder where the defensives back were.

昨天我买了几本过期的科学杂志。TI bought some back issues of science magazines yesterday.

第一章探讨宫体诗的定义。Chapter One discusses the definition of the Gong Ti poetry.

今天,我的女儿问我我是什么时候破处的。Today, my daughter asked me when was the first ti me I had sex.

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GC1012B是美国TI公司推出的新型数字下变频器。GC1012B is a digital down-converter chip produced by TI company.

莎克·蒂是托格鲁塔人,是来自希利星的人形种族。Shaak Ti was a Togruta, a humanoid species from the planet Shili.

每个人给予其他人帮助,使所有人觉得更强大。Each person gives kokua ti other people so that all feel stronger.