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他像托钵僧那样旋转着穿门而过。He whirled through the door like a dervish.

徐飞喜欢澳大利亚歌手丹。德维什。Xu Fei likes the Australian singer Dan Dervish.

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他的一连串的苦修僧式的理念给了人民希望的同时也带来了恐惧。He is a whirling dervish of ideas who inspires hope and fear.

苦修僧人反复旋转而不感到头晕。The dervish es whirl around and around without getting dizzy.

活动包括狂喜地跳舞和旋转的苦行僧。A dervish whose actions include ecstatic dancing and whirling.

真正的王者能在苦行僧心中找到自己的宝座。He is true prince who finds his throne in the heart of the dervish.

能在托钵僧的心中找到自己王位的人是真正的王子。He is the true prince who finds his throne in the heart of the dervish.

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在托钵僧的心中找到自己的宝座的是真正的王子。He is the true prince who finds his throne in the heart of the dervish.

“刺猬”实际上就是向船的前方前发射迫击炮弹。The Hedgehog was actually a group of whirling dervish sort of bombs fired ahead of the attacking ship.

真正勤劳的学生在剑桥学院最拥挤的蜂巢里也寂寞得犹如沙漠里的托钵行僧。The really diligent student in one of the crowded hives of Cambridge College is as solitary as a dervish in the desert.

在剑桥苦读的学子虽身处蜂巢般拥挤的教室,实际上却和沙漠中的苦行僧一样,是在独处。The really diligent student in one of the crowded hives of Cambridge College is as solitary as a dervish in the desert.

当然,这是沙丘苦行僧出现在你视野里的极佳时机,它的刀刃旋转造成了狂乱的旋风。Of course, this is the perfect time for a Dune Dervish to erupt into your field of vision, its blades spinning in a whirling frenzy.

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这座位于巴尔干半岛的小城是布拉加特克修道院的所在地。布拉加特克修道院是一座建立于16世纪的德尔维希修道院,坐落于布纳河旁,以蓝绿色的河水而闻名。This tiny Balkan village is home to Blagaj Tekke, a 16th century Dervish monastery at the mouth of the Buna spring, renowned for its blue-green waters.

我们就像两个古印度的不停旋转伊斯兰苦行僧,因为靠的太近结果撞一起变成了一个飓风大小的苦行僧,谁也不敢招惹咱。We'd be like two whirling dervishes in Ancient India who whirled too close to each other and became one hurricane-sized dervish not to be trifled with.

我们就像两个古印度的不停旋转伊斯兰苦行僧,因为靠的太近结果撞一起变成了一个飓风大小的苦行僧,谁也不敢招惹咱。We’d be like two whirling dervishes in Ancient India who whirled too close to each other and became one hurricane-sized dervish not to be trifled with.

早上7点她从坐落在日落大道,丈夫共享的家中起床的那时候起,她是一个烦燥不安,她要求苛刻、喋喋不休、办事迅速、像苦行僧一样的工作狂。From the moment she rises at 7 a. m. in the Sunset Boulevard home she shares with her husband, she's a fidgety, demanding, chattering whirling dervish of a task Juggler.