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改革浪潮席卷全国。The reform bandwagon swept across the country.

而其他网站也几乎肯定会在2011年追赶这一“风潮”。Others will almost certainly jump on the bandwagon in 2011.

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很快,其他团体和组织也开始纷纷赶起时髦。Soon, other groups and organizations jumped on the bandwagon.

但是,在现代宣传中,挟众宣传又有了一个新的方式。However, in modern propaganda, bandwagon has taken a new twist.

这一产品的成功使许多公司都来赶这个浪头。The success of the product led many companies to jump on the bandwagon.

感觉真像跳上了恐慌浪潮,尊敬的首席策略官先生。That feels like jumping on the bandwagon in panic, Mr. Chief Strategist.

那么,您如何能让您和您的公司跟上数据挖掘的大潮呢?So, how do you get you and your company on board the data-mining bandwagon?

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乐队彩车要出发了,领导者必须让人们爬上去。There is a bandwagon pulling out and the leader has to get people to climb on.

实际上,有的时候我曾经被流行技术甩在身后。In fact, sometimes I've been left standing as the technology bandwagon pulls away.

他们位列三甲,早早签约,奥登甚至已经坐花车巡视波特兰。They, the first three picks, signed early. Oden even toured Portland in a bandwagon.

公告还要求“不囤积居奇”、“不集中“搭车”涨价”。The notice also warned against hoarding and “jumping on the bandwagon of price hikes.”

挟众宣传的接受者被裹挟着加入,因为所有其他人都这样做。Subjects of bandwagon are compelled to join in because everyone else is doing so as well.

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您还记得以前大多数开发人员是如何追求代码质量的吗。Do you remember what it was like before most developers jumped on the code quality bandwagon?

看来似乎每个人都赞同这些新的变革。甚至连乔都赶搭这班革新列车了。It seems like everybody is in favor of the new changes. Even Joe has jumped on the bandwagon.

人们希望能搭上中国这驾马车,而我们能让他们与中国的兴衰联系起来。People want to be part of the bandwagon. We get them hooked up with movers and shakers in China.

这说明了为什么硬件制造商们最先成为云计算的拥戴者。All that may explain why hardware-makers were among the first to jump on the cloud-computing bandwagon.

出于个人和环境上的原因,全世界的人民都在顺应绿色的潮流。People across the globe are jumping on the green bandwagon for both personal and environmental reasons.

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物价上涨如此之快,许多商店认为他们也可以随行就市,提高物价。While prices are rising so fast, many shops think they can climb on the bandwagon and raise theirs, too.

“我们并没有乐颠颠地再贷款来买一辆奔驰车,”辛西娅说。"We didn't jump on the refinancing bandwagon to take a cruise or buy a Mercedes," Cynthia Goldrick said.

有时你就是不能盲从,“跳上乐队彩车”。你必须知道“彩车”是到那里去。Sometimes you just can't go with the flow and jump on the bandwagon . You have to know what the wagon is.