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复有垂杨拂酒杯。Willow twigs caress my wine cup gently.

朱丽叶温柔的爱抚使他安静下来。Julia silences him with a tender caress.

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但她继续抚摸早矢香的脸。But she continues to caress Sayaka's face.

我的抚摸惹得它喉咙里长长的一声咆哮。My caress provoked a long, guttural gnarl.

听见沙哑的声音,如同树叶摩挲。Heard the hoarse voice, like leaves caress.

你抚摸我的头发,而我内心却在放声嘲笑。You caress my hair and inside myself I laugh.

言语可以是很棒的爱抚也可以刺痛的巴掌。Words can be a cool caress or a stinging slap.

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我伸手拿起包,抚摸着其中的器械。I reach into my bag, to caress the instruments.

还包括性爱抚等许多范川。Also includes the caress and so on many Fan Chuan.

一不小心,可能就会把她揉皱甚至出现裂痕。A less careful caress may make it crinkle or crack.

微风推着我去爱抚它的长耳朵And the light breeze moves me to caress her long ear

她母亲的抚爱安慰了那个哽咽着的女孩。Her mother's loving caress comforted the sobbing girl.

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她抬起她的双手,让卷须轻拂着她。She holds up her hands, letting the TENDRILS caress her.

卧姿造型,渴望你对她进行最深的爱抚。Decubital shape, desire you to conduct most of her caress.

它会用温润的舌头舔舐主人的手。His warm moist tongue would caress the hand of his master.

或者在你们睡觉时互相爱抚对方的背或臀?Or caress each other on the back or hip as you fall asleep?

虽然只是极轻的一碰,但却如爱抚一般令他震颤。It was the lightest touch, but it thrilled him like a caress.

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只有在手指不断接触下,触摸屏才会产生应答。Touch screens respond to the ceaseless caress of our fingers.

我的心,同着它的歌的拍拍舐岸的波浪,盼望着要抚爱这个阳光熙。My heart, with its lapping waves of son, longs to caress this green.

在你特别那位的爱抚下,难道你不感到幸福和自信吗?Don't you feel happy and assured by the caress of your special someone?