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经济改革要以经济理论的发展为先导。Guiding role of economic theorization in the reforms.

他也反对艺术作品研究的理论化倾向。He opposed the tendency of theorization in the field of art works research, too.

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长期以来,都把马克思主义哲学观确定为“理论化、系统化的世界观”。The Marxism philosophy is defined as the systematization and theorization of the world outlook.

他反对美学研究中理论化的方法,而提倡描述的方法。He opposed using the approaches of theorization in aesthetic research and advocated description.

理论化的后马克思主义是当前的失败体,举例来说,它是一个绝技。The theorization it offers of post-Marxism's current failings, for instance, is a tour de force.

立法听证已经走过了理论化和法律化阶段,现在正在经历着实践化和理念化。After stages of theorization and legalization, legislation hearings are being practiced and idealized.

同时建立起良好的教学评价机制,能使教学经验理论化。In the meantime, a good teaching evaluating system can be established and make the teaching experience theorization.

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终身教育理论自上世纪60年代产生以来,已经成为国际教育领域中一种革命性潮流。After the theorization of life-long education in 1960s, it has become a revolutionary trend in international education field.

首先,本文介绍了中小企业和企业信息化的相关理论知识。Firstly, the paper introduced relevant theorization about Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and enterprises informatization.

后现代技巧与写实主义、现代主义、魔幻写实主义或其他形式相互交织的情形不易予以理论化。This interweaving of postmodern techniques with realist, modernist, magical realist or other modes resists easy theorization.

具有流程及模式的资料蒐集、分析、验证、推论及整合能力。To acquire the capability in collection, analyses, verification, theorization and integration of data with Processes & Modules.

因此分析揭示了在先前研究中被忽视的企业规划理论化过程的一个主要部分。The analysis thus reveals a major component of theorization on business planning that has been neglected in previous discussions.

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先秦军事法思想,是对先秦时期军事领域法律现象的理论化认识。The thought of military law, which was originated from Pre-Qin periods, is theorization system for law phenomenon in military field.

他反对教育研究的理论化、抽象化倾向,认为教育研究应该指向实践。He objected the tendency of abstraction and theorization in educational research and believed that research should focus on practice.

在审美与意识形态问题上,尽管马克思提出了问题,但他并没有进行系统的论述和表达。Marx had to some extent discussed the problems of aesthetics and ideology in some of his works but did not give a systematic theorization on them.

本文重点对环境教育的课程设计及绿色校园行动等开展了研究。It has developed a research on two basic aspects of the theorization and implementation for the environmental education of non-environmental academicians.

以一个实际故障诊断系统应用为例,说明了该模型具有直观、表达能力强和易于推理的优点。With the application of the model in a real fault diagnosis system, the advantages of direct-view, strong expression ability and easy theorization are shown.

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然后给出短肢剪力墙结构钢筋混凝土有限元非线性分析的理论基础,并编制有限元程序。Later, the theorization of non-linear finite element analysis on reinforcement concrete shear wall is presented, and the program of finite element is worked out.

针对喷雾过程喷注碰壁形成的液膜蒸发现象进行研究,通过理论分析和实验数据建立了相应的数值计算模型。Liquid film vaporization in the process of spray impingement being studied, relevant numerical calculation model was established through theorization and measuring data.

对组织理论历史发展的回顾和评论构成了对于组织的边界和内容进行规范理论界定的实用替代。Consequently, a historical review of the development of OTs functions as a pragmatic substitute of normative theorization in defining the boundary and contents of this field.