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别弄脏了你的新鞋。Don't muddy your new shoes.

他在泥泞的路面上滑着走。His muddy slide onto the road.

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泥水慢慢地变清澈了。The muddy water cleared slowly.

坦克开过泥泞的道路留下了道道车辙。Tanks had ploughed up muddy roads.

卡车行驶在泥泞的路上歪斜不稳。The muddy road careened the truck.

他们“踩”着泥泞的道路行进。They slopped along the muddy road.

他那沾满污泥的靴子把地毯都踏脏了。His muddy boots splotched the carpet.

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黄色而透明的眼罩让我的视线一片浑浊。Yellow-paned goggles muddy my vision.

去把汽车洗净,上面全是泥。Go and wash the car down. It is muddy.

两仪四象浑无边。Two meters four likely muddy boundless.

阴雨天大白鹅成了污泥鹅。Wet weather makes the white geese muddy.

是我国典型的粉砂淤泥质海岸。Is typical of China's coastal muddy silt.

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他的泥靴子踏脏了地毯。He spotted the carpet with his muddy boots.

他在泥泞的河底像一条鱼一样扑腾着。Flopped like a fish against the muddy ground.

拿一桶水把这泥污的地板冲洗一下。Dash a bucketful of water over the muddy floor.

那辆旧车在泥泞的路上吃力地朝前开着。The old car was labouring along the muddy road.

人们鄙弃,—浊泉源于泥泞。Through public scorn, -mud from a muddy spring.

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工人们穿过泥泞的田地走回家去。Labourers plodded home through the muddy fields.

重货车在泥路上产生了深深的轮沟。Heavy trucks made deep furrows in the muddy road.

草上粘满泥污,唯唯一的灰色小雪堆正在溶化。Muddy grass and tiny gray mounds of melting snow.