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他们供应食品给军队。They purvey food for the army.

马上把你的变态话说了,然后出去。Say whatever purvey thing you're going to say and just leave?

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提供各种视频、灯光、音响设备的租赁服务及工程配套安装。Purvey the renting and installment of the AV, Lighting, and Hi-Fi equipments.

这些科技的进步提供了好处,从而促使组织的变革。These advancements in technology purvey benefits and impel organizations to change.

记住,你的目标是来散布与噪音最低金额的信息,观众或读者。Remember that your objective is to purvey the message to the viewer or reader with a minimum amount of noise.

该软件和其它同学的工作相结合,形成了完善的基于网络的远程教育资源配送系统。Integrating other students' work, the long-distance educational resources' purvey system based on web is completed.

他们这样做是为了把自己与那些提供抗衰老产品和疗程的吹牛大王和庸医区分开来,那些产品都是无效的,甚至是有害的。They did so in order to distinguish themselves from charlatans and quacks who purvey anti-aging products and treatments that are ineffective and sometimes harmful.

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假如听到任何一个发言者公然说谎,或者传播意识形态垃圾和无耻的洗脑宣传,你应当立即退出该会议、讲座、演出、或者电影放映场合。Will immediately talk out of a meeting, session, lecture, performance or film showing if he hears a speaker tell lies, or purvey ideological nonsense or shameless propaganda.

如果听到任何一个发言者公然说谎,或者传播意识形态垃圾和无耻的洗脑宣传,你应当立即退出该会议、讲座、演出、或者电影放映场合。Will immediately talk out of a meeting, session, lecture, performance or film showing if he hears a speaker tell lies, or purvey ideological nonsense or shameless propaganda.

如果听到任何一个发言者公然说谎,或者鼓吹意识形态垃圾和无耻的洗脑宣传,你应当登时加入该会议、讲座、演出、或者电影放映园地。Will immediately talk out of a gathering, session, lecture, performance or film showing if he hears a speaker tell lies, or purvey ideological nonsense or shameless propaganda.

“那样的话,我绝不会管你的事情,”州长严厉地说,“为达到个人目的、牟取私利而滥用职权的人不应该得到自由。"Then I decline to interfere, "said the Governor, with asperity, "a man who abuses his office by making it serve a private end and purvey a personal advantage is unfit to be free.

我不知道那种情况更为可怕,是宗教信仰迫使人们在知识和神秘主义之间选择还是“指出宗教是如何在灌输愚昧”这件事情成为禁忌。I don't know which is more dangerous, that religious beliefs force some people to choose between knowledge and myth or that pointing out how religion can purvey ignorance is taboo.

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但目前为止,只有迪拜看起来拥有提供满足人类生活的各方面能力,包括最近建成的世界最大的购物中心和最壮观的喷泉。But so far only Dubai seems to have licence to purvey total brashness, recently boasting the world’s largest shopping mall and most spectacular array of fountains among other attractions.