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数学探究教学在具体实施中存在诸多问题,且教学效果不理想。In practice, there were many questions in explorative teaching of mathematics.

民和盆地勘探主体包括巴州凹陷和永登凹陷。The main explorative targets in Minhe basin include Bazhou sag and Yongdeng sag.

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这可以减少按钮的数量,而互动是好玩和探索。This could reduce the number of buttons while the interaction is playful and explorative.

科学的古地理观将有助于勘探工作的正确部署。Scientific view on palaeogeography will do more help for explorationist in explorative deployment.

对创造的实物过于丑陋的担心超过了对建筑的探索精神,阻碍了教学法的前行。The fear of creating something ugly trumps the explorative spirit of building, stagnating a pedagogy.

该区中的灌口-南山构造带、大兴鼻状构造带等是勘探的有利目标。Guankou-Nanshan structure and Daxing nose-like structure in the area are favourable explorative targets.

对体态成语的语义特征和语义褒贬变化做了探索性的研究。The explorative study its semantic features and the changes of its derogative and appreciative meanings.

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以及设想在该系统中进一步表达的当前在资本预算理论上的若干探索问题。It also described the several explorative questions which to be realized in this system on the next step.

探索性地提出了对山东省高等职业教育的发展对策。Thirdly , to put forward the development counter measure of Shandong higher vocational education explorative.

其中的一篇特别吸引我,字里行间都显露出作者,她的心思缜密,善于自我探索和聪明才智。One individual in particular stood out because of how thoughtful, self- explorative and intelligent she came across.

你们的科研实力和研究气氛,给我留下深刻印象。During the visit, I have been deeply impressed by your scientific research capabilities and the explorative atmosphere.

在文言文的学习中,开展探究式阅读教学应是教学改革的必然趋势。During the Classical Chinese study, Starting Explorative Reading Teaching is the inevitable trend of the teaching reform.

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探索性物理实验因其具有许多独特的教育功能而受到广泛关注。The explorative physics experiment receives the extensive concern because of its many sorts of special education function.

在这一探索过程中,由于法律发展观的局限性,法律的发展呈现出欠协调性。Due to the limitation of legislative developmental outlook, the development of law lost balance in this explorative process.

第四章,我们对螺环化合物的有机-金属配合物进行了探索性的研究,得出了一些成果。The Metal-Orgnic compound based on spiro-compounds has done some explorative research concerned, and has made some progress.

还将设立玛斯德比当代艺术中心艺术奖金,奖励那些在本年度有探索性的年轻艺术家。And Must Be contemporary art center will set up an art bonus of Must Be contemporary art center each year to award explorative young artists.

从区域规划布局角度,对大学园区建设的路径选择进行了探讨。In this paper, from the perspective of regional planning, an explorative discussion is made of the optional approaches to college campus building.

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资讯计量学研究对象多集中在期刊文献,而探讨面向则集中于科学技术領域。The informetric research concentrates on journal documents as its research subjects and scientific and technical fields as its explorative spheres.

先锋文学是泛指一种处于流动状态的居于时代前沿的探索性、实验性的文学。In this paper, the avantgarde literature refers to a flowing literature occupying forward position with its explorative and experimental characters.

新课程的教学需要通过自主、合作、探究的教学活动才能达成有效结果。The teaching of new curriculum should be done by a series of independent, cooperative and explorative teaching activities to get the effective results.