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这场争端通过疏通而得到解决。The dispute was settled by mediation.

这场争端通过调停而得到解决。The dispute was settled by mediation.

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所有调解的建议均遭拒绝。All offers of mediation were rejected.

保存中介模块,并重新启动它。Save the mediation module and restart it.

现在,我们可以部署我们的中介了。We are now ready to deploy our mediation.

中介现在可以是任何模块的一部分。A mediation can be part of any module now.

进一步做好诉前调解工作。Further strengthening pre-trial mediation.

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立法会通过人民调解法。Legislature passes People's Mediation Law.

朱之文发现这种向导型调剂十分有效。I find this guided mediation to be very useful.

作为中介流中的一个步骤调用某个服务。Invokes a service as a step in a mediation flow.

奥廷加说,他愿意接受国际调解。Odinga says he would accept international mediation.

其他不需要制作调解书的案件。Other cases that do not require mediation statements.

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您最有可能使用哪些中介流原语?Which mediation flow primitives are you likely to use?

波士尼亚的和解是联合国调停的结果。The settlement in Bosnia was a result of U. N. mediation.

通过我们需要开发的中介,我们可以做到这一点。This is done through a mediation that we need to develop.

积极探索和加强庭前调解工作。Energetically exploring and strengthening court mediation.

这场争端通过第三国的斡旋而得以解决。The dispute was settled by mediation of the third country.

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曾否尝试以调解方式解决本案之争议?A7. Have you attempted to resolve the dispute by mediation?

Fail**——中止中介流,并生成一个异常。Fail** -- Stop a mediation flow, and generate an exception.

此中介应用到每个连锁店目的地。The mediation is applied to each of the store destinations.