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这件外套是毛棉混纺的。His waistcoat is beneath his coat.

但纳特金却在他西装背心的口袋里!But Nutkin was in his waistcoat pocket!

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背心上的方格子不过是笼子上的铜丝而已。The checks in the waistcoat are but the wires of the cage.

浅色外套配深色马甲如何?Well, what about a lightish jacket with a darkish waistcoat?

一件淡蓝色马甲的袖管只垂到了她的臂弯处。The sleeves of a pale blue waistcoat came only to her elbows.

一件淡蓝色马甲的袖管只垂到了她的臂弯处。He left off hellos waistcoat as soon as he came into the room.

背心长度并且延伸到膝盖,上面并有著丰富多样的样式。The waistcoat also extended to the knee, and was of rich brocades.

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低V领牛仔背心配衬特色钮扣和窝钉。Deep V neck denim waistcoat detailed with buttom closure and studs.

花哨的坎肩上配搭着一些光怪陆离的玻璃钮扣。It was imaginative waistcoat with exceedingly fanciful glass buttons.

千万别将餐巾别在领上或背心上,也别在手中乱揉。Never fasten it in your collar or waistcoat , or rumple it in your hands.

她掏出细亚麻手绢,揩丈夫的西装背心。And taking out her cambric handkerchief she wiped her husband's waistcoat.

一听到这个扫兴的消息,急得我扭着背心上仅剩的那一颗钮扣。At this dismal news, i twisted the only button on my waistcoat round and round.

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老犯人布莱卫穿件中央监狱的灰黑色褂子。The ex-convict Brevet wore the black and gray waistcoat of the central prisons.

背心与西裤、西装短裤以及牛仔裤搭配穿,前门襟可敞开也可关拢。The waistcoat can be worn either open or closed, over trousers, shorts and jeans.

马吕斯从背心口袋里掏出他的钥匙,递了给侦察员,说Marius took his key from his waistcoat pocket, handed it to the inspector and added

手里捏着一卷从背心口袋里掏出来的钱。He had taken in his hand the roll of silver which was in the pocket of his waistcoat.

车夫已经让开道,但伊的破棉背心没有上扣。The runner had already moved to the side, but her tattered waistcoat was not done up.

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女子喜穿长及脚面的旗装,或外罩坎肩。Women like to wear women's flag mounted and foot long flag mounted, waistcoat or jacket.

他穿着一件棕色的格子呢西装背心,配上脖子上的一个金色缎带领结,这让他看起来特别聪明。Wolstencroft looked very smart in a brown plaid waistcoat with a gold satin bow tie at his neck.

门口站着一个面目可憎的犹太人,穿着我从来未看到过、最花俏的背心。A hideous Jew, in the most amazing waistcoat I ever beheld in my life, was standing at the entrance.