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他是个世界级的射手。He is a world-class finisher.

可能履行家具修理者的职责。May perform duties of furniture finisher.

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他强壮,活力,是一个优秀的终结者。He is strong, athletic and a good finisher.

耶稣是“作者和终结者的信念”。Jesus is "the author and finisher of faith".

留着你的冷血剔骨做为最后一击。Save your cold blood eviscerate as a finisher.

安装后视镜连接点修整器的装饰板。Install trim panel for mirror attachment point finisher.

他是个左脚将,踢法聪明,并且是个很好的射手。He is left-footed with intelligent moves and a good finisher.

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到最后,印刷的工作则是由包装加工商来完成。To this end, the packaging finisher creates the printed product.

和两场系统差不多,只不过再将断奶仔猪和育成猪分开。As two site production, but using separate weaner and finisher farms.

林德斯特伦研究中排名第二的“终极武器”是手机“嗡嗡”的震动音。The hum of a vibrating cell phone was Lindstrom's second-place finisher.

但是今天他展示他是一名优秀的射手,一个拥有光明前景的球员。But he showed today that he's a good finisher and a player with a future.

我知道了,我会申请再检查。船级检查已经完成。I see. I'll ask for a re-inspection. The class surveyor has already finisher.

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速度和步频是他的优势,不过到现在还没有帮助他成为杯赛终结者。He turns heads with his step-overs and speed but has yet to prove a Cup finisher

裂魂人是个出色的终结者,它的幽冥一击足以结束对手。Barathrum is a great finisher and Nether Strike can pretty much guarantee a kill.

但是得票位居第三的改革派教士迈赫迪·卡鲁比对这个结果提出挑战。But third-place finisher Mehdi Karroubi, a reformist cleric, challenged that result.

他还展示了非常全面的临门一脚功力,能在任何角度破门。而场下他也是一个很不错的家伙。Overall he has shown he is a great finisher from any angle, and off the pitch he is a great lad as well.

乔瑞的队友米其儿曾在斯图加特世界杯上获得平衡木第五名。这次以57.700分的成绩名列第四。Joura's teammate Lauren Mitchell, the fifth finisher of the beam at the Stuttgart worlds, placed fourth in 57.700.

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切尔西要防备他从右侧的进攻,而且他还有进球的能力,这已经在切尔西很多年前对阵布莱克本的比赛里被证明了。He's also a capable finisher as the goal as the match-winner he scored for us at Blackburn a couple of years ago proves.

他拥有良好的脚下技术和良好的意识,他还是一名优秀的终结者,希望他能够向首发位置发起冲击。He shows good technique and good awareness and he is a good finisher so hopefully he will be pushing for a starting place.

机器设计商可以给纺织品整理者提供许多对其产品质量有积极意义的参考。The machine constructor has various points of reference for a positive influence on the quality of the result by the textile finisher.