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这其实就是一种悲喜剧的手法。This actually is a tragicomedy's finesse.

显然,还需要一些更好的策略。Clearly, some sort of finesse is required.

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曾经,在小提琴的精妙里我找到狂喜Once, in finesse of fiddles found I ecstasy

丰满、细致、典雅的格拉夫区风格红葡萄酒。Classic, rich and finesse styled Graves red wine.

斯夫拉菲红酒,丰厚、优雅、细致和复杂。The wine is rich, elegant, finesse and complexity.

这样可以使一些策略获得理想的大小。This can take some finesse to get the desired size.

莉莲。赫尔曼的巨作从富有洞察力和写作技巧著称。Lillian Hellman's plays are marked by insight and finesse.

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他耍了个手腕儿花言巧语地从父亲那里得到了钱。He wheedled money from his father with considerable finesse.

他们的演奏充满了激情与活力,在朝气蓬勃的快板中结束。In the concluding Allegro Vivace, they played with energetic finesse.

知道如何巧妙地拒绝邀请,而且不会感到心中有愧Knowing how to turn down invitations with finesse and not feel guilty.

你可以提出有技巧的问题,让人们以自己指认的方式定义。You can finesse the question by having people self-referentially define.

Lifehacker的适用技术时代的生产力十分巧妙。Lifehacker applies productivity to the technology age with great finesse.

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如果他们的黑桃是4-1分配,我还可以依靠方块飞牌。If their spades break 4-1, I still have the diamond finesse to fall back on.

葡萄酒的特色是圆滑,高雅和丹宁结构细腻。Smoothness, elegance and finesse of tannic structure characterize our wines.

这是一个极具创新的花式切牌。An innovative and highly creative quad packet cut done with nothing but finesse.

在数学解题教学中,究竟应强调技能,还是技巧?。In the teaching to solve problem of mathematics, emphasize the skill or the finesse?

经精心酿造,这款半干型酒回味酥脆干爽。Made with incredible finesse and balance, this semi-dry wine finishes crisp and clean.

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歌瑞玛为家族式酒园,以手工酿制品质精良而果味醇郁的上等佳酿。Family owned, La Crema produces hand-made wines with finesse and great fruit intensity.

白苏维翁典型的矿物质气息被莎当妮的圆润所包容。The mineral character of the Sauvignon is supported by the round finesse of Chardonnay.

游吟学者在技巧上的要求比其他的职业要稍微高一些。The archivist takes a bit more finesse in the way it's played than other classes, to be sure.