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他是个身体健壮的小伙子。He is a robust young man.

也是个生动的发现And it's a robust finding.

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Oligarch是一只大而且粗鲁的熊。Oligarch is a big and robust bear.

她将近90岁了,但身体仍然十分强健。She ost 90, but still very robust.

我们需要的是更为深刻、更为强韧的概念。We need a deeper, more robust concept.

你每天都喝乐百氏奶吗?Do you drink the Robust Milk every day?

吉莉的儿子更大也更强壮。Gilly 's son is larger and more robust.

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带神经网络辨识器的鲁棒控制器设计。The design of robust controller with NN.

且软起动器具有较好的鲁棒性。The performance of the starter is robust.

幼鱼生下来就精力充沛,个体尺寸也比较大。Fry are robust and of a fairly large size.

我尽量维持实足的诙谐感。I try to maintain a robust sense of humor.

它们不再是好的选择。They're not the most robust things anymore.

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“这需要一个强健的细胞”,哈科特说。"It requires a robust cell, " Hackett says.

荟英金属探测器是可靠和鲁棒性。EGE metal detectors are reliable and robust.

隔火帐之构造必须坚固。It shall be of robust and rigid construction.

上海是座蓬勃向上的特大型城市。Shanghai is a thriving and robust megalopolis.

因此NNL-DTD在各种条件下是鲁棒的。So the NNL-DTD is robust in adverse conditions.

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它可能是场子里最健壮的马。He seems to be the most robust horse in the field.

他非常健壮,从不显示一丝倦意。He's so robust and never has a trace of weariness.

机器学习这个领域相当广泛和活跃。The field of machine learning is large and robust.