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对于开发团队来说,重新部署的时间意义重大。Redeployment time is very important for a development team.

不需要重新部署.net程序集或者重新编译。No redeployment of .NET assemblies or recompilation is required.

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重新调配职位和重新设立职位相当于下一个两年期净增一个职位。The redeployment and establishment of posts results in a net increase of one post over the next biennium.

如果想要用另一个服务实现来替代原来的服务实现,就需要修改应用程序代码并重新部署这些代码。Substituting one service implementation for another will require changes to and redeployment of the application code.

请注意,对于无法重新部署消息流的场景,可以优先使用管理命令。Note that use of administrative commands may be preferred for scenarios where redeployment of message flows is not possible.

这个迁移过程需要按照上面“服务迁移与重新部署”小节所描述的步骤来执行。This process of migration is one that will follow the steps as set out in the above section "Service Migration and Redeployment".

本文以疾病爆发表单、后续的修改和重新部署为例考察了这种方法。This article looks at this approach using a sample disease-outbreak form and its usage and subsequent modifications and redeployment.

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为了进行更改,传统的应用程序架构可能需要完全重新部署应用程序。Traditional application architectures might require a complete redeployment of the application in order to make these kinds of changes.

它还选定了应用服务器应该支持的几个核心部署阶段,比如部署、取消部署和重新部署。It also selects several core deployment phases an application server should support, such as deployment, undeployment, and redeployment.

是次架构重组,涉及483个职位的长期调配,其中包括专业、税务及一般职系在内。The re-organization involved the permanent redeployment of a total of 483 posts comprising professional, taxation and general grades staff.

现在可以通过更改注册中心的策略来动态更改该行为,并且不需要进行任何代码更改或代码重新部署。This behavior can now be changed on the fly by changing the policy in the registry, and no code changes or redeployment of code is required.

通过重用组件,不必进行大量重复开发和重新部署就可获得生产力得到增强的应用程序。By reusing components, you don't have to do a lot of redevelopment and redeployment to gain the advantage of relevant, productivity-enhancing applications.

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航路高度层双向配置是否已经开始向单向改变,是否允许航班从繁忙扇区调入空闲扇区?Two-way configuration is a high level route has begun to change to a one-way, whether to allow the redeployment of free flight from the busy sector sector?

这时候,所有的三个标准需要协作来保证从云平台A到B的迁移和重新部署能够成功。In this case all three standards need to work together to ensure migration and redeployment from cloud A to B can be achieved. The overall process takes 4 steps

有关重行调配资源实施学校社工建议的事宜亦会在是项全面检讨中一并考虑。In this respect, the redeployment of resources to fund the school social work proposal will also be considered in the wider context of the Fundamental Expenditure Review.

该协议是一个驻日美军更广泛结盟的一部分,包括了从冲绳调遣约8000名海军陆战队员到美国领土关岛。The agreement was part of a broader realignment of U.S. forces in Japan and includes the redeployment of around 8, 000 Marines from Okinawa to the U.S. territory of Guam.

自然冷却后,打开锅盖,盛入小碗中,室温晾凉或放冰箱中冷却,调入玫瑰酱和蜂蜜,即可食用。After natural cooling, open the lid, Sheng into the small bowl, room temperature cooling or cooling into the refrigerator, the redeployment of rose butter and honey, edible.

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发掘工作开始于1997年,约旦武装部队重新部署之后,1994年他们与以色列达成和平协议,已经控制了这片布满地雷的禁区。Excavations there began in 1997 after the redeployment of Jordanian troops who had controlled it when it was a mine-infested no-go zone until a 1994 peace treaty with Israel.

丙方有义务对调货工作进行积极配合。调货产生费用由调货发起方承担。Party C shall be obligated to actively cooperate with such product redeployment. The costs of such redeployment shall be to the account of the Party initiating such redeployment.