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北京奥运会主题曲由刘欢和莎拉布莱曼演唱。The theme song of the XXIX Beijing Olympic Games was sung by Liu Huan and Sarah Brightman.

2008年北京将举办第二十九届奥运会,这是中国第一次承办奥运盛会。China's first chance to host the Olympic Games will arrive in 2008 when Beijing will be the host city for the XXIX Olympiad.

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祝福北京2008纪念章经北京2008年奥运会组委会授权制造发行。The Blessing Beijing 2008 Commemorative Medallion is made under authorization of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad.

“吉祥2008双枚纪念章”经北京2008年奥运会组委会授权制造发行。The Propitiousness 2008 Twin Commemorative Medallion is made by authorization of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad.

“超越梦想2008”双枚纪念章经北京2008年奥运会组委会授权制造发行。This Surpass Dream 2008 Twin Commemorative Medallion is made by authorization of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad.

祝福北京2008镀银纪念章经北京2008年奥运会组委会授权制造发行。The Blessing Beijing 2008 Silver-plated Commemorative Medallion is made under authorization of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad.

中方第二十九届奥运会组委会邀请注明俄罗斯艺术家维塔斯参加奥林匹克帆船赛开幕式。The Chinese Organizing Committee of the XXIX Olympic Games invites a well-known Russian Artist Vitas to take part in the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Sailing Games.

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如果中国真想组织一次成功的奥运会并充分意识到奥运会将成为这个国家的转折点,那么我坚信北京奥运会将会是一届非常成功的奥运会。As we look forward to the games of the xxix olympiad in beijing in 2008, I am certain that the chinese people and athletes will add to the excellence and excitement of the games.

第二十九条中方人员不得擅自向外方单位或个人提供秘密或内部资料、信息,未经批准不得私自向外发传真。XXIX. Any Chinese employee is not allowed to provide secrets and internal materials and information for foreign companies and individuals. Without permission, no one is allowed to send a fax.

上次的事故促使北京奥组委将该轮售票改为抽签方式,并更换了票务系统负责人。That incident prompted the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad to change the sales process during that round to a lottery system and to replace its head of ticketing.