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小悼念一个伟大的乐队。Uma pequena homenagem a uma grande banda.

一些被转移的海啸幸存者在班达亚齐的一条河中洗去这些天来的灰尘和疲惫。Displaced survivors bathe in a spring-fed river in Banda Aceh.

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在班达亚齐,澳大利亚士兵从飞机上卸下救援物品。Australian soldiers unload aid from military planes in Banda Aceh.

在印度尼西亚班达亚齐,一名穆斯林男子在亚齐大清真寺祈祷。Muslim man prays at Baiturrahman Grand Mosque in Banda Aceh, Indonesia.

肉豆蔻仁是香肉豆蔻属植物的果核。生长在班达群岛。Nutmeg is the kernel of the fruit of the Myristica fragrans, grown in Banda Islands.

图中这座有着独立的拱门和半月形大门的清真寺位于印度尼西亚的班达亚齐。A free-standing arch and crescent-shaped gate frame a mosque in Banda Aceh, Indonesia.

各地都显得非常平静,就是在苏门答腊遭受地震最严重的班达亚齐亦是如此。Make seems to be calmer, though, in Banda Aceh, which was the hardest-hit town in Sumatra.

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巴东的人口约是2004年发生海啸时亚齐省首府班达亚齐人口的三倍。Padang's population is roughly three times that of Banda Aceh at the time of the 2004 tsunami.

维尔戈为全面型运动员提供良好的吃球感和均衡的重量。The BANDA Virgo complements the all-round player's game with its soft feel and balanced weight.

中国医疗队在海啸重灾区印度尼西亚班达亚齐进行救援工作。The Chinese medical team is carrying on rescue in tsunami-devastated city Banda Ache of Indonesia.

麦当娜和里奇共有两个孩子,8岁的儿子洛克尔和在马拉维收养的养子、三岁的戴维•班达。The couple have an eight-year-old son, Rocco, and a three-year-old son adopted in Malawi, David Banda.

班达在竞选中承诺继续推行姆瓦纳瓦萨的利于商业和反腐败的政策。Mr. Banda campaigned pledging to continue Mr. Mwanawasa's pro-business and corruption fighting policies.

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没有关于破坏的场面报道,至少在班达亚齐没有,这些画面最先就是由那里发过来的。And there were no pictures of damages, at least in Banda Aceh, where the pictures were first coming out from.

图为救援队员从北京乘机前往印尼班达亚齐开展救援活动。In the picture, members of a rescue team are leaving from Beijing to Banda Ache of Indonesia to for rescue work.

去年12月,当海啸的巨浪吞没了她在班达亚奇的村庄时,她正好不在亚奇。Last December when the massive walls of water from the tsunami engulfed her village in Banda Aceh, Lia was away.

班达亚齐曾经被海啸夺取6万鲜活的生命,是这座城市五分之一的人口,现在也已充满熙熙攘攘的人群,城市焕发着向上的活力。Banda Aceh, where the tsunami killed 60, 000 people — a fifth of the population — is now bustling and prosperous.

纯棉的布可当绷带使用。烧焦后,可成为取代火绒或苔藓的小型易燃物质。Cotton cloth serving as a banda ge. once charred it become a small combustible that can replace amadou or lichen.

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马拉维新总统乔伊丝·班达解雇了警察局长彼得·穆克黑图。Malawi's new President Joyce Banda has sacked the country's police chief Peter Mukhito, state media have reported.

如果他第二个任期,班达亚齐将确保,在赞比亚的立足之地,中国人会变得更加强大。If he gets a second term, Banda will ensure that the foothold the Chinese have in Zambia will become even stronger.

在印尼班达亚齐郊区的蓝普克港边,一位渔夫扛著他捕获的鲔鱼。A fisherman carries a tuna fish from his catch at a harbour in Lampuuk on the outskirts of Banda Aceh July 31, 2008.