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很多人认为机器是一种非常呆板的东西。Too many people, a machine is a rather stolid thing.

他偷偷地瞄了一下两名侦探面无表情的脸孔。He glanced furtively at the stolid faces of the two detectives.

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曼希沃的妻子鲁意莎,是下等阶级的一个呆头呆脑的女人。Louisa, Melchior's wife, was a stolid woman of the lower class.

从外表看它的迟钝的灰色调,更接近前苏而非瑞士。From the outside, its stolid grayness is more Soviet than Swiss.

你可以想像这种要求如何在一家冷淡的瑞士乡村茶室遭到无情的拒绝。You can imagine how that request goes down in a stolid Swiss village tea room.

在严谨的德国,它的职员们总是松懈、嘻笑着,招惹来调情的嫌疑。In stolid Germany, its clerks bagged and smiled, prompting suspicion that they were flirting.

但这场足球世界曾经是最富有娱乐性的冲突,如今却爆发了一次让人感觉迟钝的和平。But out of what was once football's most entertaining conflict, a stolid peace had broken out.

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全片麻木迟钝、一本正经,甚至是那些还在旧金山时的没有史诗场面的部分。It's all so stolid and humorless, even the scenes in San Francisco, without compensating epic sweep.

然而,此时的女王则一脸严肃,她看了看左边的这几个人,面露责备之色。The Queen, however, adopted a stolid expression and flicked her eyes to her left in a look of reproach.

反应越来越慢的韦斯布朗,也受伤病困扰,在曼城德比战中甚至没有出现在大名单上。The more stolid Wes Brown, hindered by injuries of late, did not appear even on the bench for United against City.

我们冷冷看着那药水顺着静脉输液针流入她的手臂,如同驳船像小岛一样堵住了哈德森河,模糊中似乎镀上了银色。As the drugs slid up the IV into her arm, we watched stolid barges plug up the Hudson like islands, the water silver in the haze.

在被要求跳下时,他傻乎乎地耸肩并漫不经心地问有多高,这一切使他占满了日本边缘独立电影工业的海报。His jerky shrug and stolid willingness to ask how high when told to jump has made him the reigning poster boy for Japan's edgy, independent film industry.

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但是由于习惯于苏联那固有的沉默,他再次显示出一个淡漠体制所培养出产物的完整特性。But byacquiescing to the Soviet instinct for glum silence, he showed anew that heremains very much a creature of the stolid system that brought him to power.

又有谁是如此淡漠和自私,以至于手脚上奴役的锁链被解开时都不放开嗓门高唱这个国家欢乐的的哈利路亚呢?Who so stolid and selfish that would not give his voice to swell the hallelujahs of a nation's jubilee, when the chains of servitude had been torn from his limbs?

此外,对于朴素真理的迟钝和冷漠让他们不愿做出那些慷慨的承诺,更为明智的圆形丈夫则会马上利用这些承诺安抚他的妻子。Moreover a blunt and stolid regard for literal truth indisposes them to make those lavish promises by which the more judicious Circle can in a moment pacify his consort.

最新的富豪榜深陷在与高科技相对的迟钝的工业力量,与此同时土方机械的公司首脑与这个国家最大的互联网搜索引擎的联合创始人共舞在榜首。The latest rich list pitted stolid industrial muscle against high-tech, with the head of an earth-moving company pipping the co-founder of the nation's biggest Internet search engine for the top spot.