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我解开了我的袖口。I unbuttoned my shirt cuffs.

他立刻解开老人的衣服。He unbuttoned the old man at once.

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随后,她脱掉外套,爱抚肚中的孩子。She then unbuttoned her coat and rubbed her belly.

那些男人,吃得直打饱嗝,解开了背心的钮扣。The men, gorged with food, had unbuttoned their vests.

他解开衬衣,露出胸膛上一个大伤疤。He unbuttoned his shirt and revealed a big scar on his chest.

小棉袄本没扣著,胸前露出一对极长极大的奶来。Her unbuttoned jacket opened to show two huge pendulous breasts.

他松开他的领带和解开他的衣领,试图保持冷静。He loosened his tie and unbuttoned his collar, trying to remain calm.

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妈妈踢掉脚上的白色护士鞋,解开护士服上的扣子。My mother kicked off her white nurse shoes and unbuttoned the top of her uniform.

狄俄尼索斯让雷雨下得失去理性,放纵的欲望都解开束缚。Dionysus let it rain without reason. all the indulgent desire had been unbuttoned.

当你已经工作了3个小时,才发现你的拉链没拉上或者上衣纽扣没扣。You're been work 3hours before you notice that your fly is open or your blouse unbuttoned.

是啊,身材确实很好,但是有必要解开牛仔裤的纽扣和让牛仔裤滑下来吗?Yes, he's in great shape but is it necessary for him to have his jeans unbuttoned and falling off?

妈妈踢掉脚上的白色护士鞋,解开护士服上的扣子。My mother kicked off her white nurse shoes and unbuttoned the top of her uniform. "I know, " she said.

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上面穿一件超大的敞开式衬衫,或者在紧身裤或时髦的裙子上系一个腰带。Use an oversize style unbuttoned as a top layer, or wrapand cinch9 with a belt over leggings or a sleek skirt.

我们进入他简朴的家时,他招呼我们到床上去,解开他的衬衫,打开一台呼哧作响的风扇。As we entered his modest house he beckoned us onto his bed, unbuttoned his shirt and turned on an asthmatic fan.

当提姆的蓝色外套甩在了地板上,玛德琳的衬衫扣子也解开之后,珍妮弗·鲍嘉德却突然开门走了进来。His blue blazer was on the floor and Madeleine’s shirt unbuttoned when Jennifer Boomgaard came through the door.

我们需要走到情感的极端,允许自己无拘无束地表达,从而得以体验人性的全部。We need to go to the very limit and allow unbuttoned expression in order to experience the full range of the human.

寒雨潇潇地下着,可他却光着头让它淋,而且解开了背心扣子,晃动着身子痛痛快快满不在乎地走着。A cold drizzle was falling, but he bared his head to it and unbuttoned his vest, swinging along in splendid unconcern.

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此外,他还将幽默、性灵和闲适统一在幽默理论的系统之下。In addition, he unifies the humor, personality and the unbuttoned moods together in the system of the theory of humor.

你可以穿着正装或者运动外套不系扣子——就看看奥巴马——戴着领带不系扣子看着很邋遢。You can wear a suit or sports coat without a tie – just ask Obama – but wearing a tie with an unbuttoned shirt looks sloppy.

用家常文体的作家是以真诚的态度说话。他把他的弱点完全显露出来,所以他是从无防人之心的。A writer in the familiar style speaks in an unbuttoned mood. He completely exposes his weaknesses, and is therefore disarming.