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她嫁给他纯粹是任性。She's marrying him out of sheer perversity.

为了故意作对而继续这样做是不对的。It would be wrong to continue out of perversity.

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倾慕再加上任性便不难作出决定了。Inclination as well as perversity made the decision easy.

他也可以把顽固,偏心,叛乱和堕落。He can also bring stubbornness, eccentricity, rebellion, and perversity.

这种反常完全是世界最后审判日的开始。This perversity is nothing less than the beginning of the last days of the world.

伟大似乎需求的那种顽强的变态这是一个男性为主的质量。Greatness seems to demand the sort of stubborn perversity that is a predominantly male quality.

“中国人”已经成为一个描述人性弱点的最生动的形容词。"Chinese" has become an eloquent adjective used to depict the general perversity of human mentality.

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在思想范畴中我视作似非而是的悖论,在激情领域中成了乖张变态的情欲。What the paradox was to me in the sphere of thought, perversity became to me in the sphere of passion.

刚愎自用的政府刺激方案要求有一个大的资产负债表,巨额利润以及没有风险。The perversity of the government’s incentives demanded a big balance sheet, huge profits, and an indifference to risk.

但是,还是有一种固执的建议,说对付潜在衰退的方法应该是采取贸易保护措施。Thus there is a certain perversity to suggestions that the proper reaction to a potential recession is to enact protectionist measures.