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他把抹布拧干了。He wrung out the rag.

由于焦虑,他感到疲乏不堪。He feels wrung out with anxiety.

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从眼眶里抠出来的那眼珠。Those Eyeballs from their Sockets wrung.

他把透湿的衬衣里的水拧了出来。He wrung water from the soaking-wet shirt.

最后他们硬逼着我说出了真相。They wrung the truth out of me in the end.

干了很长时间的活儿,他累得精疲力竭。After working so long,he was quite wrung out.

他曲解这些字的真正意义。He has wrung the words from their true meaning.

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听了他的话我心如刀绞。My heart is wrung out after hearing his speech.

他在意识里哭出声来,痛苦地绞着双手。He cried out within his mind. He wrung the hands of his spirit.

吉诺曼先生扭绞着双手,同时骇人地放声大笑M. Gillenormand wrung his hands with an outburst of terrible laughter.

我把裤子也脱下来拧干,接着脱衬衫和内衣裤。I took off my trousers and wrung them too, then my shirt and under clothing.

制作酒的程序是把这个树根碾碎,泡在水里,用布来拧出汁液。The root is ground, mashed, soaked in water, then wrung out through a cloth.

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巴比特使劲握握保罗的手,到外面的办公室,等到马克斯韦尔匆匆出来。Babbit wrung Paul's hands, and waited in the office till Maxwell came pattering out.

但愿你的眼睛永远不象我的眼睛这样,淌出暴雨般的烫人的、揪心的泪水。May your eyes never shed such stormy, scalding, heart wrung tears as poured from mine.

想到母亲一个人躺在太平间里,我心如刀绞。In thought of mother lying in mortuary alone, my heart was as painful as wrung by knife.

简单地将两家机构合并到一起,并不会产生巨大的益处。There are not massive benefits to be wrung purely from putting the two entities together.

“我还从没见过洞庭湖底呢”,洪边说边紧张地攥紧了双手。"I've never seen the bottom of Dongting before," Hong said as she anxiously wrung her hands.

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奇怪的是,专为爵爷大人们设计的大千世界竟然会那么快就被绞尽了、榨干了!Strange that Creation, designed expressly for Monseigneur, should be so soon wrung dry and squeezed out!

多年来,经济学家为中国经济可能最终过热的前景感到绝望。For years, economists have wrung their hands over the prospect that China's economy might finally overheat.

他从晾衣绳上拽下被刚才的一场雨浇得湿淋淋的裤权。He pulled his dripping trunks from the line where they had hung all through the shower, and wrung them out.