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就可以解出来了。So I can solve now.

我们能解这个。And we can solve this.

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我虽不才,还是能解决这一问题。I can solve the problem.

因此我能解出X的值So I can solve out for X.

下面我就开始讲这种方法了。I want to solve a to the b.

实际上我们需要求解这个问题。Rather, we just solve them.

你必须解决问题。You have to solve problems!

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但如果无法解出来呢?But, what if we can't solve?

人生是一道难题,解答它。Life is a puzzle — solve it.

那不就解决吃饭了吗?That don't solve the dinner?

我将帮助你解决那个总数。I'll help you solve that sum.

解开那疑团并活下来。Solve the puzzle and survive.

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模拟解决了此问题。The mocks solve this problem.

他们的工作是解迷宫。Their job was to solve mazes.

发牢骚解决不了问题。Beefing can' t solve problems.

任何人都可以解出问题么?Can anyone solve the problems?

这就是我们需要解决的。This is what we need to solve.

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应该能解决问题。This should solve the problem.

为了知道sinφ,可以解出来。We now can solve for sine phi.

没准儿我能解开这个谜。Maybe I can solve this mystery.