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萃取后乳酸钙中铁盐含量达到药典标准。The calcium lactate by extraction could reach pharmacopoeia standard.

本方法简便、快捷、准确、重现性好,完成了国家药典委员会下达的任务。We have accomplished the mission that allotted by the Committee of Pharmacopoeia.

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其质量要求未见中国药典规定。It's quality as a product has not yet been officialized by the Chinese Pharmacopoeia.

您是否验证了所有的分析方法?对于药典方法,您是怎么做的?Do you validate all analytical methods, and what do you do for the pharmacopoeia methods?

方法参照美国药典中溶出度仪的系统适用性校正方法。Methods The way of apparatus suitability test is described in the United States pharmacopoeia.

采用正交设计试验研究了药典级DL-苹果酸的合成工艺。The synthetic technique of pharmacopoeia grade DL-malic acid through orthogonal test was studied.

人要是放弃了生存的念头,存心想去殡仪馆排队,那任何医药都无能为力。This way people have of lining-up on the side of the undertaker makes the entire pharmacopoeia look silly.

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除林可霉素、克林霉素B和7-表克林霉素外,其余均未被各国药典收载。The others haven't been collected by pharmacopoeia except for lincomycin, clindamycin B and 7-epiclindamycin.

方法按中国药典2005年版二部中细菌内毒素检查法进行操作,并与热原检查法进行对比试验。METHODS Bacterial endotoxin test in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2005 was applied, and was compared with pyrogen test.

用所研制传感器测量药物含量,和药典方法相一致。L-1. The content analysis results of quinine by using the sensors agreed to those by using the pharmacopoeia method.

方法通过查阅中国药典和日本药局方,比较生药来源。Methods By consulting Pharmacopoeia of China and Japanese Pharmacopoeia, the source of the crude drugs was compared.

目的建立一种可行的验证方法,对中国药典收载的微生物限度检查法的有效性进行评价。OBJECTIVE To establish a doable validation method for estimating the microbial limit tests in Chinese Pharmacopoeia.

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t检验结果表明方法的均值与药典方法无显著性差异。The accuracy of Highly-accurate nephelometric titration was comparable to that of the Pharmacopoeia methods by t-test.

修订的口服补液盐新配方专论将在国际药典第四版中发表。The revised monograph for the new ORS formula will be published in the fourth edition of The International Pharmacopoeia.

目的对2005版药典中利福平及其制剂质量标准中存在的问题进行探讨。Objective To discuss the problem in quality standard of Rifampicin and its preparation on Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2005 Edition.

目的对地龙药材的采收加工方法进行改进,并和药典方法进行比较。OBJECTIVE To compare the rationality between the new method and the pharmacopoeia method of earthworm collected and processed.

USANA的锭剂配方是符合美国药典的标准的,也就是说锭剂需要在30-45分钟内完全崩解。USANA tablets are formulated to meet United States Pharmacopoeia standards, which require full disintegration within 30-45 min.

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方法采用中国药典2000年版附录检测细菌内毒素的动态浊度法。Method According to the turbidimetric-kinetic method and eliminated interfere factors approved by Chinese pharmacopoeia 2000 edition.

产品质量应符合欧洲药典专论或成员国的药典要求。Products should comply with qualitystandards in relevant European Pharmacopoeia monographs or those in thepharmacopoeia of a Member State.

此通则的各部分已经与欧洲药典和日本药典的对应部分做了协调。Portions of this general chapter have been harmonized with the corresponding texts of the European Pharmacopoeia and the Japanese Pharmacopoeia.