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羽毛未丰不要飞。Don't fly till you wings are feathered.

羽毛未丰不要飞。Don't fly till your wings are feathered.

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他用鸭毛给箭装上箭翎。He feathered arrows with duck's feathers.

尾巴和四肢有羽状附毛。The tail and britches are well feathered.

他向宁娜求婚,遭到拒绝。He feathered up to Nina but was turned down.

桦树和橡树密生于狭谷中。Birches and oaks feathered the narrow ravines.

她酥软的大腿上那雄姿勃勃的毛羽?The feathered glory from her loosening thighs?

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正常大小,绒毛状的,白色羽毛型的翅膀。The normal big, fluffy, white feathered wings.

耳朵的毛发直,略有羽状饰毛。Ears are slightly feathered with straight hair.

他们都看起来有些像长了羽毛的恐龙与鸟的复合体。They all kind of looked like feathered dino-birds.

肥硕的鸟儿们到处寻找树枝铺垫它们舒适的巢儿。Plump feathered birds search for scraps to pad their cozy nests.

三发顺桨,不能继续爬高,3600米保持。No. 3 engine feathered unable to continue climb, leveling at 3600m.

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所以鸟类爱好者们振作起来吧,你们长着羽毛的朋友是无辜的。So bird lovers take heart, your feathered friends are innocent avians.

黄昏鸟拥有一个光滑的、有羽毛覆盖的身体,长长的腿和带蹼的脚。Hesperornis had a sleek, feathered body and long legs with webbed feet.

羽友系列”将包括带鸟类或羽毛图案的织物。Feathered Friends Group will contain any fabrics with birds or feathers.

说,现在排除鸟类还为时尚早。Ornithologists said it was too early too rule out their feathered friends.

羽蛇神庙正在修复中,我没有过去。The temple of the feathered serpent was in reconstruction, so I didn't go there.

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它们用长满羽毛的手臂来飞行,并用自己的爪子来捕猎。They can take flight on their feathered arms, harrying their prey with their claws.

你现在已经恰好地选择并羽化了牙齿,有趣的即将开始了。You now should have your teeth nicely selected and feathered and the fun can start.

有白黑羽毛的黑背信天翁,并未因为这次的灾难而灭种。The white-and-black feathered Laysan albatross is not in danger of becoming extinct.