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那就是他的定义。That was his definition.

所有的那些内部的定义。I have a class definition.

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但是注意。It's a recursive definition.

第七十三条支票之定义。Check the definition of 73rd.

很漂亮的递归定义。Wonderful recursive definition.

布鲁塞尔估价定义。Brussels Definition of value BD.

接口定义的概念。Concept of interface definition.

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你不能用事物的本身去定义事物。This is an inductive definition.

名词和术语的解释。definition of terms and phrases.

这是迪伊对社会企业家精神的另一种定义。Another definition for you, Dees.

是一个定义,是一个原理。It's a definition. It's an axiom.

这就是由定义焓得到的。That's by definition of enthalpy.

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这是对于弧度的定义。That's our definition of radians.

它相应的Spring定义为Its coresponding Spring definition

掌握坐骨神经痛的定义。Master the definition of sciatica.

这是有效性的定义。That's the definition of validity.

添加一个新的钻取定义。Add a new drill-through definition.

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不论如何定义,我们都是一个国家。By any definition we were a nation.

我需要进行递归定义。I just used a recursive definition.

这个词很快就不需要定义了。Soon the word needed no definition.