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只是继续微笑着柳条,我们在做什么。Just go ahead withe what we are doing with a smile.

他以他的飞机去那里,而她的姐姐凯西。He is going there withe his plane and her sister Kathy.

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我一直在寻找一种模式不RVS,枝条边境。I was looking for a model with a withe border not in RVS.

女人应当为自身而活,活的轻松,活的随便,活出一个自我,活出一份好心境。Women should live for themselves withe a rather simple life.

如果有,我可以把钱给他们,请告诉我。If you have I can leave the mony withe them. Let me knew again.

连屋檐上也挂满了雪,看来就活像一条白色的花边。Even the eaves were hung on with snow, looking like the fringe of a withe shawl.

她也再次到来了。并且她又给了我一个苹果,以及她那转身的瞬间给予的那个甜美的微笑。And again she comes. And again she brings me an apple throwing it over the fence withe that same sweet smile.

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很高兴斐济可以和其他太平洋国家一同参加2010年上海世博会。Fiji is pleased to be associated withe the 2010 Shanghai Exposition, together with other nations in the Pacific.

泥沼没有了。我前面横着一片草原,新绿中点缀了红白色的花朵。There is no mire, but a grassland laid before me, just like a flower in withe and red decorate with a new green grass.

一想到他就要走了,再也见不到他了,我就忘记了以前的处罚和挨尺子打。The thought that he was going away, that I should never see him again, made me forget the punishments , the blows withe the ruler.

遮天避日,腾起满眼暖絮的灰。我惶惶立于那列车一角,充满期待,又局促不安。Obscure the sky and avoid the day , the bust rise cover her eyes . I stand over the train . Fill withe the expectation , ill at ease.

将改性脲醛树酯以液态的形式掺入土中,使聚合物在土中进行交链固化,从而实现对土体的加固。The improved urea formaldehyde resin in liquid form is injected into soil. Withe cross polymer solidification happening in the soil, the soil is strengthened.

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有很少数的人将他愿望转变成欲望,一再地想得到相信的东西,但欲望也仅此而己,这样的人占了10%。A much smaller percentag develop their withe into desires. Thei want the same thing constantly, but that is the end of their commitement. Thei rep res 10 percent.

中期海水加深,发育了水平层理、变形层理及包卷层理等,近于台地边缘斜坡相。In the middle stage, withe the deepening of the sea water, horizontal bedding, deformation bedding and convolution bedding developed, suggesting a platform-marginal slope facies.