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这孩子早熟得惊人。The boy is remarkable for precocity.

性早熟的孩子多长不高。The child of sexual precocity how long not tall.

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事实上,他们将早熟与能力混为一谈。In fact, they appear to be confusing ability with precocity.

儿童性早熟目前尚无理想的治疗方法。There is no ideal therapeutic method in sexual precocity. Dr.

另外,采用没有重复的稳态繁殖避免早熟。Otherwise, steady state reproduction without duplicates is used to avoid precocity.

但这只是表层原因,总的根源在于“文化早熟”、“理性早启”。Basically, it is because of the culture precocity and early enlightenment of rationality.

为防止皮肤早熟,精华液只能根据情况点到为止。To prevent skin precocity , till elite fluid can be nodded according to the circumstance only.

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对于某些创作形式,比如抒情诗来说,早熟的重要性已经被强调成了金科玉律。In some creative forms, like lyric poetry, the importance of precocity has hardened into an iron law.

尤勒尔诺夫我认识你的时候,大家其实都很年幼,可是这个年纪的我,却是异常的早熟。Mikhail Jules I know you, actually we are all very young, but I at this age, it is unusual precocity.

另外,它采用了一种启发式变异方法对路径进行优化,以产生搅动效应,避免早熟。In addition, it uses the heuristic mutation to optimize tours, generate disarrangement effect and avoid precocity.

通过对变异后代进行田间筛选,获得早熟、丰产、花色等突变类型,为大豆育种提供了较丰富的遗传变异基础材料。Some mutants have been selected, which were precocity , high yield etc, and the mutants are good for soybean breeding.

运气好的话,中国将会把经济发展中的早熟和经济外交中单调乏味的保守主义结合。With luck China will combine its precocity in economic development with a plodding conservatism in economic diplomacy.

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性早熟的儿童体内大量的性激素促进了骨骺过早地融合,停止生长。The many sex hormone inside the children form of sexual precocity promoted epiphysis premature confluence, stop to grow.

亲爱的朋友们,你怎么看待孩子早熟呢?早熟是好事还是坏事呢?我们应当鼓励吗?My dear friends, how do you view the precocity in children?Precocity could be a good thing or a bad thing?Shall we encourage it ?

中国传统文人画多用此法,这得益于书法美学的早熟,古代文献多有记载。The Chinese traditional literati paintings always use this method, which benefits from the precocity of the aesthetics of calligraphy.

光污染会引起人的视觉疲劳和视力下降,导致儿童性早熟,而且也危及野生动植物。Light pollution can cause fatigue and diminution of vision and sexual precocity of children, but also jeopardize wild animds and plants.

一些物种在进化过程中形成了性早熟的特性并能在群体中稳定遗传。For some species, the character of sexual precocity was developed in the evolutionary process and stably transmitted to future generations.

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在牛津时,作为一个诗人,他的早熟很快就显现出来了,他与两位伙伴作家史蒂芬·斯彭德和克里斯托弗建立了一生友谊。At Oxford his precocity as a poet was immediately apparent, and he formed lifelong friendships with two fellow writers, Stephen Spender and Christopher Isherwood.

在基本蚁群算法基础上,通过引入变异算子和自适应挥发系数,提高了蚂蚁路径的多样性,克服了早熟停滞的缺陷。To improve ant path diversity and decrease the degrees of the precocity and stagnation, a mutation operator and an adaptive pheromone evaporation gene are applied.

目的探究性早熟动物模型的制备及观察回归平衡胶囊对性早熟大耳白兔的药效学作用。Objective To study the model of the sexual precocious animal and to observe the pharmacodynamics of Huigui Pingheng capsules in sexual precocity of special rabbits.