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离奇的故事情节也为这部剧增添了不少喜剧效果。The absurd plotline also contributes to its humorous effect.

火爆的游戏舞台被设定在被战乱不断破坏的非洲大陆。Explosive plotline set amidst a terrible civil war in Africa.

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情节主线使得全球观众有机会一睹美国军队被杀。The plotline gives global audiences a chance to see American troops get killed.

有关费莉希蒂自己在学术上的追求是在态度转变上丢失的最重大的情节线。The most significant plotline lost in the attitude shift was the one concerning Felicity's own academic aspirations.

而且很多电影的故事情节是很能引人反思的。Meanwhile, the movie's sounds cape is often quite enticing, while the plotline of many movies encourages personal reflection.

重点是,那里不再有像戈维亚这样的家庭了,在其他家庭情节复杂莫测的地方也不再有类似的大家庭了。The point is that there were not many Gouveias, nor were there big families anywhere else in the unfathomably complicated plotline.

无论你是否相信“游戏进展”的主要情节是真实的,老式的新闻业正在美国遭遇炮轰。Whether one buys into the plotline of “State of Play, ” that much about the movie rings true. Old-fashioned journalism is under siege in the U.S.

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这绝对值得拍一部动作大片——星系被粗暴的撕裂,相互碰撞,在数十亿年后留下它们自己的遗迹。It’s a plotline worthy of an action film—galaxies, violently torn apart, smashing into one another, leaving remnants of themselves behind billions of years later.

苏鲁巴克虽然实际上是一个有血有肉的人,但其故事却是我们耳熟能详的典型的古代大洪水的情节。Regardless of his status as an actual flesh-and-blood human being, Shuruppak's story involves the archetypical, ancient, and comfortably familiar great flood plotline.

苏鲁巴克虽然实际上是一个有血有肉的人,但其故事却是我们耳熟能详的典型的古代大洪水的情节。Regardless of his status as an actual flesh-and-blood human being, Shuruppak’s story involves the archetypical, ancient, and comfortably familiar great flood plotline.

两人想把新片的故事背景设在内地,但却没讨论故事情节,反而一直在北京的餐厅、酒吧、公园和朋友家流连闲逛。Thee duo wanted to set their new film in the mainland but didn't discuss the plotline. Instead, they hung out at restaurants, bars, parks and friends' homes in the capital.