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调节导叶的开度。Adjust the guide glade.

遗世独立于那片蜂儿高鸣的林间野地。And Live alone in the bee-loud glade.

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独自居住于蜂鸣喧响的林地。And live alone in the bee-loud glade.

想象自己置身于那样一个蜜蜂嘤嘤的空地。Imagine yourself in that bee-loud glade.

林中的空地中间有几间小木屋。In the midst of a glade were several huts.

草丛微动,他的林地里散发着印第安人气味。The moving grass, the Indian in his glade.

我愿成为一片丢失的林中空地,独角兽在此玩耍。I'll be a lost glade in which unicorns still play.

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他到达林间空地和锯子下雪水于白色的在她的玻璃棺材中。He reached the glade and saw Snow White in her glass coffin.

奈提莉在一块小的林中空地的边上浮出水面。Zuleika emerges from the water at the edge of a small glade.

我岭廓了纽约级乐的酒店,链到乡村峦色的林间空地。I leave the gay saloon of New York for the green glade of the country.

发挥你的林间空地是充满了彩色的蝴蝶。You play on the glade that is filled with the multicolored butterflies.

我们进入一片位于高耸棕榈林中的草地,这是旧广场的遗迹。We emerged into a grassy glade of towering palms marking the former plaza.

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第三天,傣族的哥哥姐姐们都到林间空地做丢包游戏。The third day of the Dai brothers and sisters are so glade to loss the game.

这条小溪只能再蜿蜒一次,在沼地里再低吟一回。Only another winding will this stream make, only another murmur in this glade

这溪流又一次蜿转前进,又一遍在林间空地上轻叹低语。Only another winding will this stream make, only another murmur in this glade.

这家汽车厂的历史始于1916年莫斯科郊外的一片空地于1916年。The automobile factory history begins from a glade on Moscow outskirts in 1916.

不久他就走进一片宽阔的林间空地,发觉自己置身一大群人中间了。Next moment he came out into a wide glade and found himself in a crowd of people.

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一个类似蘑菇房空地--进行自动化控制各种阀门的电动装置。A mushroom glade – electric motors for the automatic activation of various valves.

届时总经理陈佳佳女士及其同僚将很高兴和各界同仁在博览会洽谈会晤。Ms Chen Jiajia will be glade to meet all our partners in Barcelone with her assistant.

然后我们把整个旧馆的杜威号都按照glade重新划分。We went through the stacks in the old library and marked off ranges of Dewey by glade.