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您可以凭借他们的woodsy风味和大叶瓣找出它们。You can identify them with their woodsy flavor and large lobes.

骨骸被发现的那个地方树林茂密,并因达菲伐木公司而为众人所熟知。The woodsy site where the bones were found is known as Duffy's Cut.

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檀香能成为一种可爱的古龙香水,尤其为喜欢树木与辛辣味道的男人而准备。Sandalwood makes a lovely cologne, particular for men who like woodsy and spicy scents.

广藿香的气味结构很有意思,甜味草本气息覆盖在树脂调木质气味托起的浓郁酒醺核心之上。It has an interesting structure, comprised of sweet herbaceous top notes, rich winey heart and balsamic woodsy base.

宾汉姆顿是一个多山的,树林茂密的美丽地方。Also as an understatement, geographically, Binghamton is a beautiful place, mountainous and woodsy in all of its glory.

在牛仔裤自然晾干的同时,他会把有树林气味的香囊塞在牛仔裤里。While letting the jeans air-dry, he may slip a "woodsy" scented sachet of potpourri into the jeans as he lays them flat.

学校有光明节陀螺,歌曲和铃铛。红色的大彩带,森林的气息。画一个雪人。制一颗星星。装饰蜡烛罐。School has dreidels, songs and bells. Big red ribbons, woodsy smells. Draw a snowman. Make a star. Decorate a candle jar.

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松树精油、鼠尾草精油或其它树林音调,将协助你连接到地球母亲那里,如果你并没有根植的话。Essential oil of pine or sage or other woodsy notes will assist in connecting one to the earth mother if one is ungrounded.

柏树有另一种将提醒你根植到地球母亲中获得安慰与和平的木质香味,同时也将你接通到松树王国。Cypress is another woodsy smell that will remind you to ground unto the Earth Mother for comfort and peace as well as attune to the pine tree kingdom.

不论是我们夫妇俩年轻时住在东部城镇的公寓,还是现在入住巴尔的摩附近丛林中的翻修小屋,我们都带着那个有着玻璃一般眼珠的鹿头。The glassy-eyed beast followed us loyally through our youth in a series of East Village apartments to our current renovated lodge in a woodsy Baltimore neighborhood.