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他的声音犹豫不决,吞吞吐吐。His voice is hesitant, halting.

年薪制“两次喊停”告诉我们什么?。What Does the Twice Halting of Age Salary Tell Us?

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系统关闭中,可能需要一分钟的时间…The system is halting now. This may take one minute.

星云旋转和转动的速度降了下来,亮度也变暗了。The twisting and moving slowed down, halting the lights.

尽管如此,并非所有国家都叫停了核能计划。Not all countries are halting their nuclear plans, however.

如果人们总是打断你,你的语速就显得太慢或犹疑不决。If people often interrupt, your tempo may be too slow or halting.

我们布尔乔亚小资产阶级逻辑矛盾的假道学,就是这副德性。Such was the hypocrisy of our bourgeois societies with its halting logic.

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它们关闭了光合作用,减少了树叶中叶绿素的产量。Photosynthesis shuts down, halting the production of chlorophyll in leaves.

停掉一个项目会让人们灰心丧气,个人产生挫败感和负罪感。Halting a project causes frustration, a sense of personal failure, and guilt.

但是,即使是动乱也只是打断了印尼的进程,而没有让它停止。But even that upheaval only interrupted Indonesia’s progress without halting it.

我所心仪的是,疑云阵阵、一步一顿的旅程。我要闯新径,觅路向。It was the tricky, halting travel I was after, forging a passage, finding my way.

拦河索是一种简单易行、功能可靠的闸门安全设施。Halting rope is a safe means of lock gates, which is simple, workable and reliable.

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介绍承钢焦化厂在实际生产中对焦炉设备高温防护采取的措施。The measures to keep temperature after heating halting in coking furnace are introduced.

他们批评奥巴马中断了政策措施,推出的刺激计划过于繁琐,行动迟缓。They see halting policy efforts and a stimulus plan that is too cumbersome and slow-acting.

一九四六年内,国民党几乎一直是在大搞恐怖,以镇压和平要求。During most of 1946, the Kuomintang terror was consistently aimed at halting the peace demands.

不要因为在路的尽头没有找到鲜花,就停止前进的脚步,其实在路上我们就闻过花香了。Don't be halting for absence of flowers on the end of the road, in fact , we've smelt its aroma.

然而,所有这些计算系统受到的停机问题已知的限制。However, all such computational systems are subject to a limitation known as the Halting problem.

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这个提议的宗旨在于停止以色列和控制加沙地带的哈马斯武装之间的争斗。The proposal is aimed at halting the fighting between Israel and the Hamas militants ruling over Gaza.

日本目前停止了福岛县的原料奶以及茨城县菠菜的销售。Japan is now halting the sale of raw milk from Fukushima prefecture and spinach from Ibaraki prefecture.

停止北美汽车生产这样的大动作一定会让丰田拖延很长一段时间来实现这样的目标。The drastic step of halting vehicle production in America is sure to set back that aim for a long while.