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要是这条破船完蛋了。If the ship is unsound.

从教育角度看,全国统考是不合理的。The national tests were educationally unsound.

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多年来,希腊的财政政策一直都不健全。For years, Greek fiscal policy had been unsound.

为什么这些同志作出这种不妥当的估计呢?Why do these comrades make such an unsound appr ais al?

那可怜人在神志不清时自杀了。The poor man killed himself while he was of unsound mind.

批评者说,大坝劳民伤财,又不利于生态环境。Critics say the dams are ecologically unsound white elephants.

律师可能拒绝承办他认为站不住脚的案件。The Lawyer may refuse to undertake a case which appears to him unsound.

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从全国看,我们的人均GDP还排在世界104位,人口多、底子薄,城乡和地区发展不平衡,产业结构不合理,生产力不发达状况没有根本改变。It has an unsound industrial structure. And its productivity is not yet developed.

有人说他和他父亲一样精神不健全。But there’s also the theory that perhaps Saif is as mentally unsound as his father.

当前我国政府投资绩效的指标体系不统一、不健全,绩效标准存在一定空白。Currently, the index system of performance is non-unity and unsound with lack of standards.

一些不健全和财政不好的机构正在出售黄金以提高其现金持有量。A few weak, fiscally unsound institutions have been selling some of their gold to raise cash.

同时也要查看树根,隆起的土壤意味着扎根不实,不安全的树。Also keep an eye on the roots, raised soil can mean an unsound root system and a unsafe tree.

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如果更多的公司像高盛这样做,减少抵押贷款,不健全贷款的发行就会少很多。Had more firms done as Goldman and shorted mortgages, fewer unsound loans would have been issued.

两国的家庭负债都曾爆炸性增长,两国的金融体系又都变得越来越不健康。Both nations had an explosion of household debt and saw their financial systems become increasingly unsound.

如今,即使私人投资者做出非常不靠谱的决定,联邦纳税人也将承受部分或全部的损失。Today, if private investors make decisions that are unsound enough, the federaltaxpayers will bear some or all of the loss.

结果,他们实施了一项使用广播肥皂剧鼓励农民停止不利于环境的做法的项目。The result is an innovative project using a radio soap opera to encourage farmers to halt environmentally unsound practices.

总之,CDS可用作赌注,使不健全的金融机构及鲁莽的政府所注定的崩溃早日到来。In sum, CDS may be used as bets that can make unsound financial institutions and reckless governments fall sooner than they otherwise would.

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我国面临的城乡二元结构、信用体系的不健全只是建立自然人破产时必须予以考虑的法技术问题。Urban-rural dual structure and unsound credit system are the considerations of law technique in natural person insolvency law establishment.

1998年,婚后一周,这位刺有纹身的篮球运动员提出了离婚申请,罗德曼称这一切都只是个骗局,当时自己头脑不清楚。After a little over a week as husband and wife in 1998, the tattooed basketball player filed for an annulment, citing fraud and an unsound mind.

毋庸讳言,这与我国的反垄断实施机制不健全,尤其是司法机制的缺失有着重要关系。Needless to say, this is related to the unsound implementation mechanism of China's anti-monopoly, in particular the lack of judicial mechanism.