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想想也是。Wanting is also.

这就是我想要的一切。That’s all. I am wanting.

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他缺乏礼貌。He is wanting in courtesy.

你不能压制要求。You cannot squelch wanting.

谈到想要一个儿子,是的。Talk about wanting a son, yeesh.

“想要”什么那还不够。Wanting something is not enough.

好磨难得,贤妻难寻。Mills and wives are ever wanting.

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不下功夫而想得到所要的东西。Wanting to get something for free.

想要和喜欢是互补的。Wanting and liking are complementary.

或是要得少的想法。or wanting less of something as well.

但现在莎莫想要他进来。And here was Summer, wanting him there.

埃文又问道,不想让她走开。Evan called again, not wanting her to go.

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你需要克服总是贪得无厌的心态。You’ve got to overcome always wanting more.

艾丽丝总想在这项活动中充当主要角色。Alice is always wanting to get in onthe act.

我好久就想尝尝它了。I've been wanting to taste it for a long time.

这种情感在欧洲似乎完全缺乏。This feeling seems entirely wanting in Europe.

对于想要加入MOTU的人有什么建议吗?Any advice for people wanting to help out MOTU?

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我知道,先生,我们没有另收钱。Keep it down sir, or they'll all be wanting one.

想要拥有大点的房子有什么错?!What is sooooo bad about wanting a bigger house?

我这些天就像个瘾君子一样等着给我来支强心剂。I'm like a junkie wanting a proper fix these days.