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下午好,海伦。Good afternoon, hellen.

海伦不能滑雪,对吗?Hellen can not ski, can she?

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他和海伦去年结婚。He and Hellen got married last year.

打扰啦,你是美国人吗?Have you been in America long, Hellen?

海伦把错误视为经验教训。Hellen charged up her mistake to experience.

海伦将她的脸埋在她手臂的弯处。Hellen buried her face in the crook of her arm.

海伦当教师已有四年了。It is four years since Hellen became a teacher.

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咖啡太浓,艾伦用牛奶将其冲淡。Her coffee was too strong, so Hellen diluted it with milk.

海伦极力控制住自己的情绪,可她颤抖的双手还是暴露了内心的紧张。Hellen tried to control her mood , but her trembling hands betrayed her nervousness.

作为初步试验,凯恩从冯·德·海伦那里借来了几百只闪亮的蜜蜂。For preliminary tests, Cane borrowed several hundred of the shiny bees from von der Hellen.

为了将神像偷出城,一天夜里奥德修斯和狄俄墨德斯乔装改扮潜入首都,这一切只有海伦知道。In order to steal it out, Odysseus and Diomedes slipped into the capital one night in disguise , known to none but Hellen.

1972年生于荷兰的阿尔克马尔,现居海洛。她的摄影以人像为主,其中多是年轻人,尤其是女孩。Hellen van Meene was born in 1972 in Alkmaar. She now lives in Heiloo, The Netherlands. She makes photos, mostly portraits, mostly of young people, and mostly of girls.