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不过我的预感是,人们的记忆是短暂的。But my hunch is that memories are short.

我早有预感你会约我出去。I had a hunch you were gonna ask me out.

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我有预感那项计画会成功。I had a hunch that the plan would end in success.

那你感觉是多少钱,一百万?So what would your hunch be? How much? A million?

她们会脸红,躲避目光,耸耸肩。They blush, avert their eyes, hunch their shoulders.

我看着她弓着背穿过了马路,消失在人群中。I saw her hunch across the street and was lost in a crowd.

小姑娘家家的,绝对不能佝背啊,否则难看死了!As a little girl, don't hunch your back, or you look so ugly!

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我想你至少能找到一两个喜欢的加入收藏夹。I have a hunch you'll find at least one or two you want to bookmark.

可是人家梅姑佝背偏偏就是佝得那么好看!But look at Mui Koo, why she can hunch her back but looks so beautiful!

当摆出夸张姿势的时候,千万不要让模特们耸肩!When exaggerating bodylines, do not let your model hunch her shoulders.

说话者也有可能缩起身体,有效地让身体变小。The person may also hunch down, effectively making the body a smaller target.

小费面额之大令服务员大为吃惊,凭着直觉,她将小费作为赌注赌了一把。The waitress, surprised by the size of the tip, bet the whole thing on a hunch.

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在专业期刊的阅读中,特里斯发现了大量的研究都在支持他的设想和观点。In professional reading journals Trelease found a wealth of research to support his hunch.

某些求职者会蜷缩身体,茫然地瞟着房间四周,或是扭动出汗的手掌。Certain candidates hunch over, glance furtively around the room or wring their sweaty palms.

他们预感到其实接受道歉并没有我们想象当中那么有效果。They had a hunch that receiving an apology isn't as powerfully healing as we'd like to imagine.

不要过多地俯曲或者隆起肩膀,如果可能的话,活动一下你的双腿。Try not to stoop or hunch your shoulders too much, and try to exercise your legs when possible.

Hunch开始于问答服务,但在今年八月它把自己重新定位为个性化服务。Hunch started out as a Q&A service, but in August it re-positioned as a personalization service.

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人们倾向于在座位上“懒坐”或“弓坐”,这样给后背造成了很大压力。People tend to "slouch" or "hunch" over in their seats which puts a lot of strain on their back.

Diamond有一种感觉,跨越性别的边界的可能性会随着年龄的增长而越来越大。Diamond has a hunch that the possibility of moving across sexual boundaries increases as people age.

韦特海姆有预感是什么原因造成了这些空洞,他与汉利一起去了波洛克的旧画室。Wertheim had a hunch about what had caused the voids, and he went with Hanley to Pollock’s old studio.